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Everything posted by Simo

  1. I brought a 14" SIP bandsaw at the beginning of the year and I'm very happy with it, out of all the other 'budget' bandsaws I looked at they seemed to be the best for the price I also have a SIP 6" jointer which again is well made and works well.
  2. Unless you're playing large venues I'd go for a lower powered tube amp, I had a JCM 900 50watt combo which would be a perfect for the kind of music you're playing. It was ideal for a rock/blues sound but it also had enough gain for metal without the need for an overdrive pedal.
  3. For recording purposes yes, without a doubt.
  4. Give the Line 6 Guitar Port a try, the singer from my band has just got one along with the Riffworks recording program. The range of effects and sounds is truly amazing and you can also download free tones from the net. I'm about to buy one myself
  5. Well he's kinda done that already on the 'Pride & Glory' album I love the the song, it's by far the best on the new album IMO I actually prefer Zakk singing the softer stuff, the 'Book of Shadows' album is amazing. I believe that the song was actually written before Dimebag died, but he started to play it live as a tribute. As for the video....hmmm it's ok, the part with the videos of Zakk and Dime playing on stage is cool.
  6. I'm very happy you're not going for good Drak....anyway you can't leave you haven't posted any pics of that shark V yet
  7. Ask and ye shall recieve The wood has had some mineral spirits applied to raise the grain for the pics, altough due to this hot weather it was evaporating super fast, so if some areas look a little patchy that's why Another shot.... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v228/The...tboard/abc1.jpg
  8. Yep like I said in the bass thread they're a bit pricey! lol, I'm going to order some from Custom Shop Parts in the US.
  9. I replied to your post in my fretless bass thread about the tuners I haven't had any PM's recently?
  10. For sale....Cocobolo bookmatched top, 1/4" thick, each piece measures a 9 1/2" inches wide! and 21" long. £35 + £5 postage, paypal or cheque I will post to UK only I will post some pics later tonight or tomorrow, but to give you an idea it was cut from the same log as this piece.... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v228/The...board/coco3.jpg
  11. I've not got too much left to do to it, the control cavity needs routing and there's a few holes to drill thren it'll be ready for final sanding.
  12. I'm one step ahead of 'ya I e-mailed them last night to ask how long they were, I want to make sure they don't sit to close to the edge.
  13. Ok here it is cut and routed to shape.... More pics... Back Front 1 Wood, close up
  14. Think I'll pass on those thanks for asking anyway Quick update on the bass...the body blank is glued up and ready to be cut out, at the last minute I decided to use a piece of the Macassar Ebony as laminates in-between the Maple and Walnut which looks really cool. I'll be cutting and routing it on Sunday so I'll post some more pics then.
  15. Sure thing Setch....altough if I send it with Parcel Force it might not survive the journey Cheers
  16. There's a tutorial on how to make your own here.... http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/radius.htm
  17. I was woken up this morning by some weird noises coming from the front door, I pulled a pair jeans on and staggered downstairs to find a Parcel Force driver attempting to force a parcel which contained my Ebony fretboards through the letter box! luckily I got there in time before he damaged them
  18. My eager mind would like to know too I'm looking into pickups at the moment, being a guitarist I'm not an expert on bass electronics so I'm researching as much as possible before spending my hard earned cash. I did some reshaping work on a Ibanez bass for someone a couple of weeks ago, I really liked the active Bartolini's (mk1's I think?) he had on it....even though it was a nightmare to rewire
  19. I brought some wood from him off ebay last year and I've used him for most of the tops I've brought since then, they're always superb. I don't think it's his main income, he just sells part time from home....but the bad news is I don't think he sells outside of the UK sorry dude Actually he's just sent me a couple of pics of the Ebony I'm using for the fretboard I'm having 3 of them, they're all 5" wide.... http://img68.echo.cx/img68/6411/fb17mr.jpg http://img150.echo.cx/img150/6640/fb25rc.jpg
  20. Here's the Crotch Walnut I'm using.... I really like this pale area on the upper piece..... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v228/The...oard/walcro.jpg
  21. I'm not sure yet, maybe a Schaller Roller Bridge but I also like the look of the single bridges.
  22. This might help.... http://www.accesswave.ca/~derekn/routertut...akingtemps).htm
  23. For the last year I've been playing a battered frankenstein of a P-Bass that was assembled using parts from a couple of damaged guitars, at the time I only wanted something to use for recording but now I've got into playing a bass a bit more I've decided to build something better After sketching a few ideas I came up with this design (there's still a few areas that need altering) I'll be making my own neck for this one, it will be Maple with a Massacar Ebony fretboard. The body will have a centre piece of maple with Walnut wings, the wings will have Crotch Walnut facings on them. I brought 2 sets of bookmatched Crotch Walnut tops a couple of months ago and my supplier was kind enough to give me a single piece that was left over for free I've been wondering what to do with it for a while, luckily it was just big enough for the job. Here's the Walnut I'm using for the wings, I will take some pics of the Crotch Walnut this weekend. The Maple and Ebony should be delivered early next week http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v228/The...tboard/waal.jpg
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