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Everything posted by killemall8

  1. Ok, got it. I might take a file to kinkos and have it printed 1 sheet there.
  2. Ah, dont know how i missed that. When you print it out, how do you align the separate pages perfectly?
  3. I had been checking that out. Isnt there a way to change the parallel fret? I cant remember which it was.
  4. I would prefer not to go with international because i want to have a specific board i already have slotted. I am a little skeptical on trying the manual option. But is probably my only option. I really wanted to make a multi scale before i have to stop building.
  5. I had contacted doug a few months ago about something similar and he said he was no longer doing any of the little stuff and has moved on to only building full guitars. I wish i had gotten some stuff from him before.
  6. On a separate note, does anybody know of a source for multi scale fretboards?
  7. That is what i have been doing for the past 10 years.
  8. Not at all harsh. I completely agree across the board. It almost feels like at this point it is too late though. I could try a whole new business method now, but since i have to move out sometime around march and wont have a way to build wit a full time job, i am not sure if it would help at this point.
  9. Ive tried upping my prices a few times over the past year. Every now and then EMG or seymour duncan share my picture on facebook and i get an influx of a ton of interest. But as soon as i say "2000$ for a full custom" It instantly weeds out all the people who arnt willing to go for a real custom guitar, because every one of them freaks out and either doesnt respond or says there is no way they can afford that. I went with the higher prices for a while but during that time i had the least interest in my guitars that i ever have. I had to drop the prices again to gain some interest again. It is still really slow business. I still believe there is no real money in guitar building unless you do full on commission custom guitars. On a separate note, i got the neck glued in on the olive ash today. I also Got the skull walnut burl guitar pretty much dont today too, and glued its neck in as well.
  10. Started today with the fretboard glued to the neck blank. I ended with just needing to put in the side dots to be able to glue in the neck. A lot of work for 5 hours.
  11. I hadnt heard of it before i found it online. Apparently it is really rare, because i havn seen it since. This one is indeed one piece. I Had 1 sheet left. The sheets were huge, like 33" long by 20" wide. I got this strat and an explorer out of hte last sheet. Let me know if you win that lotto. I'll make you as many as you'd like Prices are an interesting topic though. My work is by far the best its ever been, and yet, its been really hard to sell my best work even at low prices.
  12. Here is an olive ash strat i am working on. It is one of 3 guitars i am currently working on all at the same time. It seems to go so much quicker when i scarf and rout truss rods for 3 guitars at once.
  13. Here are some pics. Walnut is just one of those woods that looks better with mineral spirits and no finish than with a finish. I have never been able to get it to look as good and uniform as when it is just wet with mineral spirits.
  14. I decided to sand the clear off the top. I am just going to oil it.
  15. Well, looks like i chose the wrong option. I sprayed it today with 2 coats of auto clear. It looks ok in the shade but in natural light it doenst look too good. Especially with how much open swirling grain this thing has. Oh well. Another mess up.
  16. It is so much easier to find insanely figured or burled pieces in veneer form for some reason. Even when they have 15 sheets of consecutive matching veneer that would have been 1" thick or more if it haddnt been veneered. This one should look pretty good. I just hope it doenst lose its depth and grain and get too dark with finish.
  17. Here is another burl 7 string i am working on. This one has a pretty solid bookmatch.
  18. I haddnt even noticed all the skulls! Pretty crazy! Scotty, It is walnut burl. I had planned on using the sapwood in a bookmatch on an explorer, but used the all dark wood on it. I had enough to make a body with it like this.
  19. Here are pics of the bighorn i got really close to. Not quite a goat, but i guess similar.
  20. Interesting. Here in NM i would say probably 1/4-1/3 of the state doenst have service. Most of it is high mountains and wilderness forest. Where i was at is a canyon, like a mini grand canyon, where there is no service at all. When i go hunting i never have service either.
  21. Haha, i wish i was gone for weeks at a time. I usually just drive out once a week. wont make it this week though. The trip with the ram picture was a fishing trip, that i just happen to see some bighorns along the river. I always post the pictures when i get back, i dont have service while i am up there.
  22. Thanks guys. It is getting colder now, so my building might be slowing again. Carl, I have been back for quite a while. I had just done a 2 day hunting trip, and a 2 day fishing trip. Scott, The reverse burst came mostly naturally. The zebrawood is 1 piece, and the color was much lighter on the outside. So it it didnt take the dye as evenly as the center grain. So i just went with it and let it be lighter on the outside.
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