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Everything posted by killemall8

  1. Yeah, ive already oil sanded it to 2000 grit. Might not have any adhesion properties left.
  2. Took the plunge and went with an oil finish. Looking good so far. Hopefully the final product will be great.
  3. You would know much better than I. I just remember when i used tru oil, it was too much like an actual clear coat. Took forever to dry, left a ton of marks from application and didnt look much better than an oil finish. Purely user error though. Ive seen what people do with tru oil. I just never learned how.
  4. I like danish because it seems to soak in a lot more. tung and tru oil seem more like an actual build up finish.
  5. That is what i was considering as well. I know some danish oil would really bring out that deep quilt. So tough of a chioce!
  6. I got the quilted maple SS finish sanded. I am afraid to touch it now. I dont know how to finish it. I might save it for a while and end up splurging to have somebody professionally clear it.
  7. Thanks guys. I dont know why photobucket rotated the pictures?? I have a giant stack of bodies that i have been gluing up the past week. I think i am up to 8. I really enjoy that part. Wish i could make money off of that! Good to see you are still around Mike. Great to hear from you.
  8. Its been hard to do much lately. I actually got lasik surgery a couple weeks ago, so i cant be around too much sawdust. It is AMAZING to be able to see without glasses, i must say. here are a few projects. I cranked all these out in a few weeks.
  9. well, i am back, yet again. It was a great break. I honestly just got bored. I didnt even really want to try anything again. I spent a lot of time just cleaning my shop, organizing and trying to get rid of stuff i didnt need or didnt want. After doing that for a couple months i started to get the desire back. This time it is much more casual. No real urgency to build like before. I think that has helped me be more relaxed about it.
  10. Haha, that is pretty funny to me. That seems like the easiest part to me. Ive been building 11 years and still wont try a neck through.
  11. That is a big reason i always glue a contrasting piece between the scarf. I would use another piece of purpleheart.
  12. Flip every other clamp upside down and it will be easier to tighten them without them getting in the way.
  13. It is pretty fun. That is the only one within 100 miles of albuquerque though. I still have yet to go to colorado. I should go already. 100X the amount of water than here.
  14. blue mesa in colorado? still a lot greener and nicer than here! Ive been fishing a bit in the heat. We've had a wave of nothing under 99 for the past 3 weeks. Caught this one a few days ago at a local pond though.
  15. Scott, you are just ridiculous. Every aspect of your work is masterful.
  16. Ive tried doing other little stuff, but it just ends up seeming pointless. I have decided to fully cut off my building even earlier than i thought. I will also being be cancelling my business license next month. Its been fun doing this every single day for the past 11 years. I feel like i had a lot more potential than i actually reached, which i really hate. I did make some dang nice guitars but just couldnt keep it consistent. And although I am bored out of my mind at home now, it do feel extremely at peace with my decision.
  17. Thanks Scott. That one is sitting in the other garage on our big freezer. Sanded through in a few places and i just dont care about it right now. Life sure is boring without building, i must say. The past few weeks i have just been cleaning up the shop, planing and gluing my last pieces i had laying around and a few other random things. Its funny how quickly i lost all desire for guitar stuff. It literally feels like i woke up one day, realized how tired i was of being so stressed about everything always going wrong on them, and never looked back. Before i at least wanted to beat it and bounce back. But it honestly does feel so relieving. All these years its felt like a massive burden.
  18. Yup, that is it. I tried for about a year to get it right on many guitars. I didnt realize that their sealer was absolutely required. When using the the finish straight to the wood it wouldnt adhere at all and would just lift up and chip. The sealer did the job well but the finish itself just is impossible to get level with a brush.
  19. Havnt bee doing much lately. Still dont have any desire to build. Tried out a finish on a 7 string i have had sitting here for a while. Would have came out great if this dang UV finsh would lay down anywhere near level. By the time you level it you basically sand through it.
  20. The eastern part of NM is all plains and desert. Other parts are high mountains and super thick green forest. It varies a lot here.
  21. Trust me, it is dryer here in NM than it is in oklamhoma! My dad just waters that grass like 3 times a day. Its actually not doing as well as it usually is.
  22. Oh, on the bevel! I was really wondering, the one on the toggle hole was so microscopic i was thinking you had secret powers i didnt know about. That light spot is actually just the 3dness of the grain. Some parts are really like. No tearout here! I dont allow any trace of it on my bevels, or anywhere.
  23. Man, how can you possibly see that? Did you zoom in? i cant even see it in the pictures. It isnt really tearout, more like i was widening the hole with a step bit and went into it with the next level.
  24. Been slowly putting together this 7 string. I should have it done in a few days.
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