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Zakk Wylde stole my guitar...

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Damn him

I had this beautiful design of a les paul style guitar i drew up and planned to build as my second or third guitar (because it involves scary things like binding :D), called the Les Hashmier... it was going to be so awesome!

Well anyway, i was watching a mates ozzy Live and Loud dvd i borrowed, and what guitar should i see zakk wylde playing.... my les hashmier! (well close enough anyway...) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Im still going to build it and its still going to rock... that doesnt mean some of the zang has gone out of the idea B)

stupid zakk :D

here is a pic from the dvd...


Anyone know anything about it or has ever seen it detailed on the web before?

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in the top pic it looks like its got no frets! ..lol

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well my version had a slightly different headstock, and it was more of les paul shape (eg. the body around the neck was wider than zakk's one) and the right horn came up and around a bit more.

I was also planning it to be more les paul orientated in its controls and hardware, so it would have a stop tailpeice and the controls would be placed like a les paul. Also i hadnt decided what sort of wood i would use for the top, but I was going to try and keep the usual les paul tone.. but i dont want flamed or quilted maple.. and his birdseye (?) top looks a bit crap. I might look for some really wierd type of figure in a peice of maple and use that.

Still, those are minor things! stupid andy beech

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