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Intense Mods!

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Man, if you can figure out how to make a fret-light guitar neck, you'd be a genius in my book. Are you really going to try to do it like they have it on their guitar, with switches so various modes, etc, show up on the neck ? I'm getting a headache just thinking about it.

If someone does a tutorial on how to do that, I will insist they are named MVP of this forum.

I have to agree with ya, tho, it would be damn cool .


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hmm it could be done analog without having all the programmed stuff in there, and still have the correct modes and stuff, but it would be easier just do it with an eprom

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I believe they actually etch the circuit board for the LED's right into the fretboard. I'm guessing here but since they mention that their fretboard is a special (pat. pending) material - I think this is the case. To do this with a conventional fretboard would take a very, very long time and would require a talented solder gun hand. The wires would have to be tiny and would tend to break easily - I'm sure that's one of the reasons (besides the obvious speed of manufacturing) that they decided to build the circuit right into the fretboard material itself.

There's also the issue of the controller and interface with the PC. That actually isn't so bad for someone with experience with microcontrollers but I don't know your background.

I think you were saying that you are planning on buying one of their necks to use on your project, right? It's a shame they don't offer at least a 22 fret neck - 21 is just not practical for the type of music I enjoy playing. Still, it would be very helpful for a person learning theory oir just learning to play in general.

Let us know what you meant by "doing both of these on the next guitar I build" - are you buying it or trying to build it?

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That trilogy bridge probably won't work well with the optek neck, because when you change the tuning with the bridge, it will "throw off" the lit positions on the fret board.

I've done the "poor man's " version of that neck, by making full-sized drawings of a fretboard (actually a bit bigger), then I write the notes at every position, plus give every note it's own color. Have it mounted on my music stand.

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personally i was impressed with the trilogy but not as much as the performance but the idea is wonderful

but personally if you are or know one who is talented enough in metal you can make a nice tunign system for what most guitarist use.

now if you need four hundred tuning. then i woudl say rock on..

but there are easier ways.

i wish i had the money to buy a small metal shop so i could crank out some of my ideas.

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I'm really keen on the Trilogy, but I've never been in the presence of one in order to try it out.

Eddie Van Halen was talking about the Steinberg Transtrem, which I believe does similar things, and he was saying that if you limit yourself to just using it to 'change tunings' then you're missing out on a world of possibilities that could come from changing tunings on the fly.

I'm not sure how smooth the transitions are with the Hipshot... if they just kind of 'thud' into place, it might not be as sweet... but if they do a quick glide, you could probably get some amazing pedal steel effects going on, too. It DOES look a bit unwieldly and takes up a lot of real-estate, though.


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wow! the fretlight guitar is a pretty swanky idea. tonally i think it would sound... different to normal guitars, but still, pretty swanky! it sucks that they don't have a metal guitar [25.5" scale, 24 fret, 2 hums - 81's, TOM bridge, Mahogany body] version, but i think it would be a really great as learning guitar - well that's all i would use it for. but in the future i think they will make 22, 24 fret models in either 24.75", 25" and 25.5" scale. i think it would be cooler if they just made it in fretboard form so you could just rip off the fretboard on your current guitar, route what ever <if you had too> route out and then glue it in. pretty swanky though.

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They've been around for quite a while. I know I saw ads for them in the mid-90's, maybe even earlier, so there might be some used ones for sale somewhere. I don't think the early ones could interface with a computer. I know they had some extra knob switches on the guitar body for varying what modes, etc would light up

Ok, I just looked it up on harmony central :


A used one would be cool. I'd re-fret it on the neck-jig so it would play super good, plus have all those LEDs to allow me to cheat.

But the version that connects to a computer would not be fun to re-fret coz every fret probably has a wire soldered to it.

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