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Help, what is the difference between arpeggios and

Kirk Hammett

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Arpeggios are just the arrangement of notes, often (but not always) denoted by wider intervals between notes, such as the 1st, 3rd, and 5th instead of each note in the scale... they can be played fast or slow, and using whatever technique you want.

You can play an arpeggio by fingering a chord and fingerpicking it... or you can use 2-handed tapping... whatever! It just refers to the notes, not the technique.

Sweep Picking is just a technique that CAN be used to play arpeggios, and particularly to play them fast. The technique lends itself well to playing arpeggios, as the wider intervals are a natural choice for the multi-string sequences in sweep picking.


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Well....I don't think you're wrong greg....I just don't understand what you're saying

In short the difference is that Sweep picking is a technique and an arpeggio is a musical element

Arpeggios as far as guitars are concerned are usually just chords that are played one note at a time....it is a musical element and has nothing to do with guitar...you can play arpeggios on any instrument

Sweep Picking is a technique unique to guitars... It's usually used to play arpeggios and can be done a lot quicker than usual....basically you fret the note as you pick it then lift off and mute the string as you hit the next....it takes forever to master....especially if your fingers are all out of order on the chord...

yeah...reading that again...I said pretty much the same thing...ummm...go with whatever is easier to read

Ummm example



I can't think of one for sweep picking...you almost have to see it done...it's nuts

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