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Recording program for PC???...


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I've got some recordings on my digital 8 track that I want to put onto my PC (as mp3 or wav) I've downloaded several free mp3 recorder programs, but most of them have time limits on what you can record :D although the sound quality is superb and they're easy to use.

I've tried Goldwave and some other multitrack programs, but I've found the sound quality really bad.

Any ideas???

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Hmm... since you say some mp3 encoders you've tried sounds good but have a time limit and you say there are some that sound bad but I'm assuming do not have a time limit, I wonder what bitrate the mp3's are encoded at. I seem to recall that that short sample mp3 you put up a while ago was encoded at 320kb/s. Perhaps instead of a time limit, the bad sounding encoders impose a bitrate limit.

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I seem to recall that that short sample mp3 you put up a while ago was encoded at 320kb/s

You must have a good memory B) lol, I've deleted the programs so I can't check but I'm pretty sure there wasn't a bitrate limit.

Thanks for the link feylya, I'll try that out in the morning :D

Any other suggestions very welcome :D

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There's Audacity which is more of an audio editor than a multitracker, so it could be the ticket.

And one I STILL haven't actually tried yet that looks VERY promising, called Kristal, which IS in the multitracker category, so I'm not sure how it'll be.

I'm surprised that Goldwave gave you bad sound quality-- I wonder if one or the other (either Goldwave, or the previous encoder you used) is doing something to affect the signal, rather than recording it flat. Very few encoders should colour the signal in any way, unless you have certain options selected or deselected.


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There's Audacity which is more of an audio editor than a multitracker, so it could be the ticket.

And one I STILL haven't actually tried yet that looks VERY promising, called Kristal, which IS in the multitracker category, so I'm not sure how it'll be.

Audacity is capable of multi-tracking B)... and it is much less resource intensive than Kristal on my laptop (PIII 900 Mhz, 512MB) with the stock soundcard. I'm too cheap to buy a better pcmcia card at this point :D.

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Audacity doesn't sound any better (or worse) than Kristal, at least on my computer. Hmm... I wonder why you're getting such varied sound quality with the different programs :D. You're running the programs on the same computer, with the same sound card using the same drivers?

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I agree, that's confusing. All of those programs process audio in the digital realm... there's no good reason for such a variety of discrepancies, unless the settings in the programs have been tweaked. In fact, until your software is called upon to do any dithering (changing bitrate depths, like when you change a WAV to an MP3 or from a high-res WAV to a CD-quality WAV), there should be NO difference.

Perhaps tweaking is what you NEED, though-- perhaps the actual signal isn't pleasing to you, so you'll need to add an effect like an aural exciter or even just a bit of EQ that's more pleasing to your ear.

Audacity's a great program; if you can't get decent sound quality out of IT, then you're certainly going to need to check your hardware instead of concentrating on software that 'sounds good', as most software will produce the same sound quality.

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