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(Les Paul) First Guitar Project ;d


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Hi , Nathan here.

And my les paul came today (well 10 minutes ago actually :D),

And already I'm creating this thread!

Anyway, Have taken some picks of the guitar at it's current state :




I bought it on ebay, for £60 with the neck - I mite beable to get a cheaper project guitar , but it's ebay and after watching in for 5 days , I was abit overkill when it came to the last 40 seconds.

The description didn't state what wood it was made out of - Found out it's made out of Two slices of unknown wood and a slice of plywood. (yeah, I suppose it's not a Gibson :blush)

The neck looks cheap - the nut was made out of plastic - overall though it feels good in the hand.

The actual body is chipped quite abit - almost like a monkey took a wretch to it when taking out the furniture.

The plans I had where to spray it matte black with a black pearl celluniod binding.

Luckly the neck doesn't have binding - as I heard it's a right pain in the ass to replace the binding in necks.

I'm looking at getting a pair of iron gear volt picks ups - taking a metal theme to the guitar.

all the furniture is going to be black.

I'm not sure whether plywood is worth it?

I mean obviously the guitar wasn't worth anything in the first place if the original Luther didn't care what wood it was made out of.

I'm unsure whether to chuck £60 down the drain.

Edited by naf456
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I've sanded down the front and back of the body and a bit of the neck.

It's definitely plywood - It actually looks pretty sweet - All the different colored wood strips going through the body.

The front I believe is maple - not sure. it's light in colour, should have some pics soon.

I had bit of a worry when looking at the pickup holes - their obviously cut out wrong. I literally have 1/2 a mm on each side until the pickup hole whole would be visible when the pick up rings are installed.Hopefully when I get the rings they should be alright.

I have changed my mind with the colour - it's going to be a aqua / sky blue matte / satin with a tanned natural back and sides with a natural neck.

oh , and the binding which I thought was paint is actually binding - for a plywood guitar it certainly has bling.

I am going to sand down the binding on the front ridge of the guitar as it's only 1/2 a mm thick.

The actual binding however - looking at pearl white? It looks uneven when taking a look around the body So I may have some work to do.

There it also black binding around the neck - which again I thought was painted on but is actually real. I haven't made up my mind what I'm doing with that yet. I may take it off , stick on some light wood binding - unsure.

All in all , it looks pretty snazzy.

A problem I have got is that some areas on the front have been what looks to been burnt by the sander - it's a darker colour and alot more smooth then the unburnt areas - I've tried to sand it out but it just ain't? It may be the wood.

On the back , since it's ply , some different colour wood is coming through the foreground wood and it looks pretty ... unprofessional.

I'll upload some pics soon to show you what I mean...

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Here are the burn marks I have? not sure what it is really:


Clear view of the plywood and binding - strange why the manufacture/luthier put black binding on a black body...


Here is the pick up wholes up close - I may have a problem if the whole is too big - the screws may just fall down the whole


The back - sanded pretty poorly


This is the nasty crack I have got on the cut away - I think I may just sand it down then repair it


The truss rod seems to stick out abit. I'm not sure this is normal - doesn't seem that way on other guitars - it doesn't seems to want to be pushed down so I may have to carve the nut around it which will be fun.


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