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Project S9 Continued...

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It never ends with these things.

The bass humbucker got hosed. The windings on the blades grounded out to the metal while I was potting them. It is probably a good thing as I really didn't like the sound anyway.

Had to start with a new design. Now we are going J-Bass style.





Of course this costs me a week on delivery time. I will be happy to put these things in the mail.

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Dang, that's a lot of poles. Adds a bit of appreciation to the concept of "6" string bass.


Yeah with time and materials the bass ends up basically free.

However I now have all the engineering done so the next run should be more profitable.

You can imagine what that pickup costs with all the poles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel your pain man. Initial builds of a new model usualy end up as a big loss finance wise. Some custom builds are a total disaster aswell. But you will make a bit on the next one & more on the one after that. Groovey lookin gitirs all the same - regardless of how much you loose on them.

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you would be amazed at how many people say crap like "dude, whats with the price tag, its not like ur fender or anything"

despite the fact that they have a fender, gibson, ibanez or whatever & want something better. hence the visit to the workshop.

I dont even make my own pickups anymore because I just found it a money drain pit, eating my profits. I shudder to think what RAD charges for an S9 in relation to what it should actually cost if he sat down, did the math & stuck to his pricing. probobly undercharging by %30-%50, if not more

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you would be amazed at how many people say crap like "dude, whats with the price tag, its not like ur fender or anything"

despite the fact that they have a fender, gibson, ibanez or whatever & want something better. hence the visit to the workshop.

I dont even make my own pickups anymore because I just found it a money drain pit, eating my profits. I shudder to think what RAD charges for an S9 in relation to what it should actually cost if he sat down, did the math & stuck to his pricing. probobly undercharging by %30-%50, if not more

Dude. If I did the math I would quit. I lost my arse on that bass (in time not supplies).

But I will clean it up on the second and third one. Already working on #2. I think the 5 string model I spawn from it should make a killing once the first one is done.

The S9 has been around long enough that the 6 string is easy. Now the new Multiscale 7 strings. I lost my arse on them as well. But the model is done except for hardware so moving forward it will become more profitable.

And I have a problem "Sticking to my pricing". Especially on cool things like a 6 string Multiscale bass in my favorite wood combo. Pro is right my math is good and I make sure the math is always right enough.

For me it is just fun. I would do it anyway might as well have it pay for itself.

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Fantastic! It'll be a great experiment in trying out something left of centre for a bass. I'll see how they react pairing up with a bass-voiced pre-amp. I play with a lot of crunch and gating these days so I imagine that even if they are voiced a little more like guitar pickups they should hit the sweet spot for the sounds I use.

I agree about time. Since people don't see it, they don't think it exists. Sort of like you are a 3D printer of guitars. I spent ages the last two weeks making templates, marking up stock and realised I have made exactly no guitars. I keep reminding myself to sort out my Birch stock and get it photographed only to find something else draws my attention. I really should push for getting the CNC to make my templates. Hopefully they will pay for themselves over the longer term. Hopefully.

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So think about the Multiscale 7 Strings for a second. I built three this year. 2 sold and one was a prototype. While I can still sell it it is hard to sell prototypes for a lot of money... I have decided to sit on the prototype as I would never get the cash I need out of it to cover its cost.

I lost 3 months to the prototype.

Building strange one off guitars without prototypes is dangerous and you can lose time and money easily.

I had to refinish the burl maple 7 string. Lost a weekend to painting and sanding and 3 weeks cure time.

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Whats up with those pickups?

Do you mean what are they?

They are 53mm Blade pickups, vintage style wind with Heavy Formvar 42Awg powered with an Alnico 8 magnet in an EMG housing. Potted heavily in wax before encasing them in red epoxy.

Pro is going to use them in his RD copy. I still owe him another set with chrome covers

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What is he up to now? I have 3 projects to close out the year and this thread. Headless G5, S6 Bass #2, and a Red Witch S9.
Started on the neck for the S6 Bass (6 string Multisclae for those who forgot) and I am trying to be quiet on Sunday morning so out come the vintage No 14 Millers Falls. You know it is setup right when the ribbons are the length of the piece.
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Whats up with those pickups?

Do you mean what are they?

They are 53mm Blade pickups, vintage style wind with Heavy Formvar 42Awg powered with an Alnico 8 magnet in an EMG housing. Potted heavily in wax before encasing them in red epoxy.

Pro is going to use them in his RD copy. I still owe him another set with chrome covers

Ah, whats the epoxy for? Stuck to the wax ok?

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Ah, whats the epoxy for? Stuck to the wax ok?

The EMG covers do not have base plates. They are like a bucket for the pickup. After dropping the pickup bits in the bucket you fill it with epoxy to hold it all together (hopefully).

EMG just uses epoxy. If they break that is it. No digging them out.

I use the wax initially as a way to protect them so I can maybe pop them out later. Also protects the wires from breaking as the epoxy cures.

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