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Figured Mahogany Super Tele

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Scratch built body obviously African Mahogany. Grain filled with dark walnut Timbermate, dyed with Transtint Red, Deft S&S, Deft brushing lacquer sprayed through a Preval. The neck isn't my creation. It's a Warmoth neck that I have had for about a year and a half. I needed to do something with it. The Trem is a Gotoh Floyd Rose. The pups are a Dimarzio PAF Pro in the bridge with a coil tap on the push pull volume. The neck is something I have had in my parts bin for years. I don't remember what it is but it sounds OK. Not a lot of output but very tone-full. This guitar looks 100% better in person. It is very difficult to capture the depth of the grain with my digital camera.





To referesh your memory. Here is what it looked like in the begining of the finishing process.


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