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Remeber My Pinecaster Builds? I Finished The Other One.

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This is one of two pinewood Telecaster bodies I made last year, the idea was to make a matching pair but things didn't quite turn out that way.


Both bodies.

Now it takes a man to admit that he screwed up and I screwed up big time when routing the pickup cavities for both bodies prompting me to add recessed pieces of maple in both guitars and rout the pickup cavities again. During that time I subconciously decided to abandon the idea of making two matching guitars.


This picture of the second body shows the recessed slab of maple. This body underwent so many modifications that I eventually named it the "Pine Pain" since there always was something wrong with it. I eventually finished the guitar in Flat black and gave it an allparts neck and that's how it remains.


The first body however prompted a friend of mine to ask if I could make it into something on similar lines to the Fender "Snakehead" Telecaster prototype. I told him no problem.


A Fender Custom shop Snakehead copy.

So that gave me a purpose and with that I started to work.


Again this picture shows the slab of recessed maple I used to cover up the screw up with the pickup rout.

And this time I wanted to make sure that I got a professional result. I bought a Seymour Duncan "Broadcaster" Pickup, switchcraft electronics and an Allparts neck with a set of Schaller tuners and a genuine bone nut. I also swallowed my pride and got somebody to help me do the finishing, knowing that that person could help me deliver a far better result than I could do on my own.


The body after the first layers of paint.

The body in the end recieved 12 layers of paint with me wetsanding the thing smooth in between, making sure I had an even layer of paint on the guitar (white is a difficult color to get right, you see every detail, every fault.) and it was a lot of work to polish it to a shine.

Today however all that hard work was vindicated.


The picture doesn't do it justice, it has a mirror smooth gloss all over. It also sounds really good, the Duncan Broadcaster is a pocket rocket.

I already send an email to that buddy of mine that his guitar is finished, I'm still awaiting his reply. But he'll probably be over the moon.

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