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Humbucker Vs Trembucker


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On my future build, I am planning to use Seymour Duncan SH-4 JB on bridge, and Seymour Duncan SH-2 Jazz on neck. While surfing, I found out that there are SH-4, and TB-4, same specification, but one is humbucker, the other trembucker. I've done some research, and found out that trembuckers are used on guitars with tremolo, floyd rose etc. It has something to do with string spacing, right! Now, questions!

What is the difference between using a humbucker and trembucker, what is different in sound?

I will use SH-2 on neck, and there isn't a trembucker like that pickup, there is only humbucker. What is with this problem? Strings are narrower as going from bridge to neck, so will it be a problem?

Thanks a lot!

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