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Corvus Build-off

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Scrap plywood, pine or MDF...no charge...pawn shop strat with all parts including pickups...$50...

Total cost...um...$50 and if you can't live with it, you can always put the strat back together.... :D

plus, you get a trem!


IF I do it, it would play fine and sound ok I think for very minimum cost...I'd be looking at it from more of a conceptual angle and should be of some instruction to people thinking of doing their own (undoubtedly better designs) using a similar method and cost...also extreme quick build most likely...but we will have to see how things pan out just at the moment with the personal crap!

I'm OK with that. It's called being resourceful. :D

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As of today, one British pound = 1.3746 U.S. dollars. The budget was figured in U.S.D., therefore the British budget would be #275.

not quite fella

1 GBP = 1.38 USD

1 USD = 0.72 GBP

so $200 = £144

and my figure of £200 = $276

that means i would be spending more money and i dont see how thats fair - by those rules someone entering from japan would have $2 to spend

better to leave it at a flat $200 for everyone and work out what that is in their own currency

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just converting pounds to dollars doesn't really portray an accurate picture of cost, to me. Sometimes things are just more expensive in different parts of the world, regardless of monetary conversion.

I don't see why the budget, or any rule for that matter, has to be that strict. People should follow the 'spirit' of the rules rather than the letter. This is just for fun anyway, it's not like we're competing for a cash prize or something. I don't think we have to worry too much about people going overboard on building a 'corvus'. :D

Edited by mattharris75
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just converting pounds to dollars doesn't really portray an accurate picture of cost, to me. Sometimes things are just more expensive in different parts of the world, regardless of monetary conversion.

i know that, but its very difficult to work out a fair system for something like this and currency is really the only thing we have to go on - so i am fine with setting a budget in dollars as i am used to converting money quite frequently from £ to $

its ok saying just take it in the spirit its meant but its already been suggested that i will try and win by throwing money at it so i know some people would be watching what i was spending very closely and quite frankly i cant be arsed with trying to build cheap anyway.. i have done it before and done it successfully so its not something i feel i need to prove. the funny thing is i could build it from what i have spare without spending a penny but i would have to spend money on cheaper parts to get it within budget

i may build a corvus at some point but i'm afraid it wont be part of this build off - lack of time is a real issue even if i could convince myself i wanted to build cheap

As for Wez's calculation. That would still make for quite a guitar, how about that finish... You could use carpaint rattle cans. would save you a heck of a lot.

it would be a decent guitar, thats the point. i could save money many ways but wouldnt want to compromise below a certain spec.

i wouldnt use rattlecan paints because every time i do i realise why i pay for my finishing to be done for me. I have finished many guitars myself but none have matched the perfection of the people i now use to do it. I sprayed a lapsteel myself before xmas and ended up hating all the minor imperfections so much that it got completely stripped and sent to a professional. also the cost of spray cans for a guitar would be between £30-£50 so its quite a chunk out of the budget

i am sounding like an arse now, i have nothing against building cheap - it just doesnt make sense for me to do it at this stage when i am teetering on the edge of setting myself up in a more professional manner.

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Wow, this is one UGLY guitar we're working off. Should make this a lot of fun!

Here's a question to everyone else: Do we give Wez a break on the painting because he's a professional and has business considerations to factor in? Majority rules on this one.

My opinion, Wez should be able to build this however he likes at what ever cost he feels is in his best interest to maximize is ROI. I'll be happy to see what someone at his level can do with such a silly design.

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Sometimes things are just more expensive in different parts of the world, regardless of monetary conversion.

I don't see why the budget, or any rule for that matter, has to be that strict. People should follow the 'spirit' of the rules rather than the letter. This is just for fun anyway, it's not like we're competing for a cash prize or something. I don't think we have to worry too much about people going overboard on building a 'corvus'.

I couldn't agree more.

its ok saying just take it in the spirit its meant but its already been suggested that i will try and win by throwing money at it so i know some people would be watching what i was spending very closely and quite frankly i cant be arsed with trying to build cheap anyway..

I publicly apologize for impugning your character. It was said in jest, and as a comparison of our respective skill level, nothing more.

Drak showin' his Corvus Love.

So you're in, right?

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its ok saying just take it in the spirit its meant but its already been suggested that i will try and win by throwing money at it so i know some people would be watching what i was spending very closely and quite frankly i cant be arsed with trying to build cheap anyway..

I publicly apologize for impugning your character. It was said in jest, and as a comparison of our respective skill level, nothing more.

i didnt take it negatively, i thought it was a good point.. i do have a habit of spending a lot of money on builds at the moment and going for quite high spec or playing with new ideas and probably would do the corVus in the same vein if i was getting involved in this

i am not after special treatment where i get to go over a budget the rest of you are trying to stick to and you all bend the rules around me :D if i was in it i would be following the same rules as the rest of you

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i didnt take it negatively, i thought it was a good point.. i do have a habit of spending a lot of money on builds at the moment and going for quite high spec or playing with new ideas and probably would do the corVus in the same vein if i was getting involved in this


So... what's with the change in the capitalization? Playing off of your "V in the name" trend?

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Man, this is sounding like something I could try for fun. I may have to give this a go since I do have an ibanez neck from a guitar I scrapped (the body was previously hacked up really bad). I don't really have anything for the body, but I'm sure I could get some pine or poplar or something to mess with.....hmmmm..... I guess I'll be in tentatively. :D

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i am not after special treatment where i get to go over a budget the rest of you are trying to stick to and you all bend the rules around me :D if i was in it i would be following the same rules as the rest of you

Frankly, this is all for fun, and if anyone takes it so seriously that they would rail on you for building a nicer guitar and going 'over budget' because they so badly want to win, well then they've got other problems. I say you build it to whatever spec you want to, and if you beat me, so be it. I'd rather have you in the competition and building what makes sense for you from a financial/business standpoint than not have you in the competition at all.

Of course I can't speak for everyone, but that's how I feel. B)

I hope that this competition brings out some creativity, and that we see a wide variety of ideas about what a Corvus can be. Whether that's a high spec finely crafted instrument or someone deciding to build it from parts they found in the trash, it's all about doing something cool and interesting. I think that given the shape that we're working with, people will be inspired to take a lot of different approaches, and I don't think that somebody that spend a thousand bucks has an advantage over someone who spends fifty bucks in this particular case. This is almost like a high concept guitar art competition. We're not seeing who can 'out-bling' each other, we're having fun while creating something cool and different. :D

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I'm still tentative, but interested...tell me this...are you guys sure, that is one ugly guitar and some people seem to be contemplating same fairly major changes (headless rear tuners)...so...

Can the shape be changed a bit or stylized a bit more if in line with the general idea of the thing?

Also...as an alternative name I think I suggested in the other thread...

What it should be called is the "Vomica" which is of course latin for cursed!

From where I assume we get vomit...which would imply sick which to some mean "good" and to others...well, sick!

The more of them I see, the worse they look...drak must have found photo's of the entire production run of 1983!


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i dont do well with strict outlines.. 5 minutes with pencil and ruler came up with this... a basic shape and an idea for some really scooped put bevels


i need to extend the tail section if going headless but i think the rest has potential

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That looks fine to me Wez. I think that as long as it appears to be the same shape (since I don't believe any of us have an actual template of it) anything else we do to it would be fine. A little extension here or there should be fine, as long as it's within the original spirit, so no horns I would think. I'm thinkin' of goin' with the Warvus idea and doin' some fun painting. :D

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Good stuff...glad to see someone use a pencil still (I'm not sure if that looks worse, or "just as bad")...since the last post, 5 minutes and I get this kind of thing...just for instance...


Of course, I'm not sure that this doesn't "look worse" (if that's possible) but I think that people should be able to be judged on such conceptualizations even if the actual thing doesn't ever come to light!

This one that I did literally since the last post is intended to both bring out "the bird in flight" of the original (I think some have missed why it's called the corvus) and "fix some of the balance issues and ugliness...however, I may have failed int that...but it does demonstrate that it has the intent of the corvus while being a bit different...


(I just noticed, not only does the guitar risk nose diving, the gibson design execs had a preminition and put the bird into a permanent nose dive :D )

Edited by psw
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i am sounding like an arse now, i have nothing against building cheap - it just doesnt make sense for me to do it at this stage when i am teetering on the edge of setting myself up in a more professional manner.

Not at all...I would be more concerned if you were willing to build something less than your capablities just to fit in to some silly competition...

But I must say...you have alot of talent to be able to make that hideous thng look as good as you do in that sketch.

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