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I Want Your Cutoffs


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I have a project (non-guitar) that I need small pieces for. You know all those pieces you kept that are too small to do anything with but too bog to throw away? I want them.

The pieces I'll be making are in 4 parts: a base and a three-piece top. The base & top will be contrasting woods.

The final dimensions of the base are 5/8" think, 5 1/2" wide, and 2" across. The grain needs to run the width of the base.

The top is vertical, in three pieces, and all need to be made of the same type of wood. The center piece is 3/4" thick, 3 1/4" wide, and 2 3/4" tall. The two wings are both 1/4" thick, 1 11/16" wide, and 2 7/8" tall.

If you have an amount of cutoffs that will fit these dimensions, I'd greatly appreciate cutting a deal with you. I have the ability to re-saw & plane the pieces down to the necessary thickness.

Any types of wood will work. My intention is to have one side be "interesting" and the other plain. EG: The test piece I did had a maple base & a chechen top.

If it'd help, I can post a picture later. I would right now, but the wife is gone and has the camera with her.

PLEASE PM me if you're willing & able to help me out.

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