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always wanted to do one... the main problem is having the money and having someone to play it. But hopefully i should be starting one soon

this is the design as it currently stands.. may still change a bit


its a bass/12string, which again may change... its going to be for a bass player in a led zep style band. The idea being that he can play the intros and middle 8's on the 12 then switch to bass whilst the main guitarist handles the rest of the duties.

here is the veneer, kindly supplied by dean


that will just cover the winds and middle section. The necks will be maple and purpleheart or something similar. The idea of two through-necks at once is a little daunting but should be ok with plenty of planning

the body wings will be made up of a sandwich of undecided woods with this limba on the back


along with matching mac ebony fretboards


pickups on the 12 string will probably be a prototype... look like fender wide ranges with 3 visable polepieces on each coil but they wont have the hidden polepieces like the FWR. basically each coil will be hald dummy coil. The bass neck will get two P-90 style bass pickups which conviently fit nicely inside thunderbird pickup covers

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the idea of a bass and a guitar together seem a bit strange to me. It´s good that´s exactly what your client wants, I´d never thought about it for myself.

i made him justify why he wanted it before i started designing anything. Its a repeat customer so i know he is good to deal with and very patient otherwise i would think twice about taking it on

he also wants two completely seperate outputs, personally i want to consider switching them somehow but he is adamant he will never put the bass through a guitar amp or guitar through a bass amp so wants to keep it all seperate. fair enough - he certainly has enough amps

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you could have some sort of tap to bleed one signal into the other seperate output without having to muck about with the indiviual controls??

you guys should defo do a build off the winner is the first to have a photo of it being played in a true 'rock' pose extra points for flair of the pose :D

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Well, then you covered all the bases and he will be getting exactly what he wants. I liked that you made him justify what he asked for, hehe.

he covered all the basses and the twelve strings :D (i'm on fire tonight!)

anyone else thinking of the double necked bass in spinal tap at this moment?

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I'd love to make a doubleneck sometime in the future. The far, distant future.

I'm loving that veneer. It's about a foot thick. I like quilts SOOOO much more than flames.

Acutally, I really have a thing for highly figured woods period. Burls, quilts, spalts, crazy grain patterns... the odder the better.

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I liked that you made him justify what he asked for, hehe.

it wasnt done in a pretentious way or anything. My first thought was 'why?', as soon as i knew why i could be fully onboard with the idea. If someone asks for something unusual it makes sense to see if they have thought about its usage fully

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