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This Build Is Getting Crazy Fast!

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okay.. so, oddly enough, I'm just calling this guitar my "Project Guitar" Original, eh?

It reminds me of a strat and an explorer.. kinda ugly but interesting none-the-less.

the parts list so far:

Body: Random homemade 3 piece Ash body, finished in "Pickling White" (sort of an albino White in the grain) with Polyurethane clear coat (which I'm spraying tomorrow)

Neck: for now, a cheap S101 neck with Rosewood FB, Maple back..

Hardware: Bigsby B-50 (which I JUST bought on eBay minutes ago)

Electronics: Undecided Humbucker in the bridge, Barcus-Berry Single coil in neck

Rotary selector, One Volume, One Tone

Slight possibility of later adding a fuzz pedal with a mini-switch- The rout in the back of the guitar is massive..

The neck comes with tuners but I'm sure they're the crappy little covered ones like they used to have on the Squiers...so I'll have to figure out what i want on there later...maybe just some cheap gotohs or something.

Fun stuff.


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I was told to put up some pictures so here goes...

The first picture is of the guitar before I'd done anything to it at all.


This second picture is mid-way through clear coating. Notice the "whitened" grain...that's "Pickling White" Ace water based stain, and the clear I'm using is just a rattle can of polyurethane made for this kind of stain (they're both Ace products...made by Sherwin Williams). This picture is before I wet sanded at 600 grit before doing more clear coating, so it looks a bit rough.

Also, speaking of rough I didn't want to take out all of the "flaws" because I think they give the guitar some character, and anyway I'm not going for perfect, just...better than it was, which I'm confident I've already done by getting that crap-job of lacquer off the guitar.


I'm just getting to the point now where the clear is starting to build and the grain is starting to get some depth to it.

I'm going to need to find some intermediate sandpaper around here somewhere...I have 600, and 1500...I'm thinking I need...800? 1000? in between.. Then I'll probably hand polish it to finish.

Tomorrow I send the money out for my Bigsby B-5 and my TOM roller bridge, and my new S101 neck should be here sometime this week. I may later go with a better neck, but it gets it together until I can afford something better.

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I didn't build the body, so the neck pocket is not my design..(nor is the guitar for that matter.) it seems to be a strat style neck pocket, and I'm sure most of the knock-off brands use the same type of pocket...so we'll see. if not I'll figure it out.

the strat neck I have fits in the pocket except for the "rounded" end...and i *think* that LP necks are wider aren't they? I would think they wouldn't interchange...or that the strat neck would be loose in an LP pocket...

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I'd imagine if a strat neck fits except for the rounded end, then it's sized for a tele neck - the pocket should be about the same, but tele necks are squared off at the end. ( a bit of info here, about halfway down the page: http://www.warmoth.com/guitar/necks/necks....fuseaction=faq2 )

Of course, since you haven't routed for a trem or any other sort of bridge placement that's difficult to hide/repair, you can modify the pocket to fit whatever neck you have, and then mount the bridge in the appropriate place accordingly.

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