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Lp Body 1

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Wood Delivery

I finally got in the two tops I got on eBay from Fraiser Valley. They took a while clearing customs. Anywhy, here they are.

Mr. Happy Face

quilt top

The first is an interesting spalt. The edges are flamed, the interior forms whay I'm calling Mr. Happy Face. I'm thinking this needs to go on something really wide - like a 335-ish body - to get all the figuring possible. It's thick & stable, too. The left was moistened to show the difference.

The other is a mid-grade quilt. It's just BARELY wide enough to go on a PRS. I see some binding in it's future. The top was moistened.

Avenger Prototype

The headstock is fully inlaid. The whole thing is being finished right now. The whole thing got a sealer coat of shellac, which was steel-wooled nice and smooth. The back of the neck has 3 more coats, the headstock is going up to 5.

headstock inlaid

with some finish

Bloodwood & Longhi LPjr

I'm making a bloodwood cap for the headstock. Here's the holes all lined up and drilled. I made it big enough for the entire tuning peg to be recessed - washer and all. The next step is either make the inlay with the new scroll saw or shape it.



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Avenger Prototype


I buffed the shellac out with steel wool. Everything is finished with shellac - the body, neck, rings, and plate. It all has a matte finish as well. I wanted a very natural look & feel to it. I didn't fail to learn from the zebrawood LP... I lined up everything BEFORE drilling the neck this time. dumba$$

shot from the headstock

control cavity

back with cover

Here's where I'd love some opinions. I have three sets of knobs I can use. Pictured below is one of each sitting on the body. The wife & oldest kid both like the black one. What are your thoughts? BTW: The abalone bell knob is sitting on the input jack. There are only two pots.


I should be able to have this completely finished this weekend. I need to make a run to the store for pup springs & screws and strap buttons. After I get the pups in the rings, I'll be able to do the wiring.

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It's all finished and the wiring is done. Actually, it's been waiting to be wired up for a month.





Like the Tulip, it's been waiting to have two wires soldered for a month.




Avenger Prototype

I wired up all three Sunday while I was watching the NFL. We actually had two good games that were broadcast. One of them was the Rams getting their 1st win of the season. It's a rare treat.





front close 1

front close 2

back close 1

back close 2

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I wired up all three Sunday while I was watching the NFL. We actually had two good games that were broadcast. One of them was the Rams getting their 1st win of the season. It's a rare treat.

It was rare seeing two teams give each other so many touchdowns - but I wouldn't call it a "treat" exactly. "Letdown" is more like it.

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I wired up all three Sunday while I was watching the NFL. We actually had two good games that were broadcast. One of them was the Rams getting their 1st win of the season. It's a rare treat.

It was rare seeing two teams give each other so many touchdowns - but I wouldn't call it a "treat" exactly. "Letdown" is more like it.

From Maryland... 'Skin's fan. Sorry about the trap game.

By "sorry", I mean "Eat it, Skin's fan". :D

Honestly, I was expecting the Rams to win. New head coach in the middle of the season, two weeks to prepare & re-gel, nothing to lose... It had "trap game" written all over it.

On the good side, I have 4 fantasy teams going. On any given week, I have a player or two going against the Rams. They ALWAYS have big weeks. Clinton Portis, for example.

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Bloodwood & Longhi LPjr

I've beem laying some lacquer on the body. I'm up to coat #3. I'm looking for somewhere in the 5-8 range.

Last night I got some work done on the headstock overlay. My original thought was to inlay a longhi "J" into the overlay. But, seeing the abalone fret markers and the abalone sheets I have lying around, I thought the abalone would be a much better choice. The problem is that it's some of that cheap, thin, brittle Korean stuff. You can almost cut it with an x-acto, but not quite. It chips erratically. You can almost cut it with a thin coping saw, but not quite. It is just too thin for accuracy. So I got out the woodweld contact cement and glued it to some thin longhi cutoff I saved. (While it was out, I glued some formica to a Retrotron body, but that's a different thread :D)

The total thickness of the new piece was about 0.5mm LESS than the overlay. Carving out the cavity with that little of a base would be insanely hard for mo readon, so I just carved out the whole thing. Much easier in the long run. I used a basic drill bit and the drill press to hog out most of the material, then a thin chisel and sandpaper to get the rest.

When it was time ot glue it in, I laid the thing face-down and evened it all up as flush as possible.


See that part around the inside of the J? It broke off. I could have made a little piece, spending an hour carving and shaping it. Did I? HECK NO! Are you insane? I mixed up a bunch od bloodwood sanding dust I small chips into some wood putty and filled the hole.


I then made a bunch of sanding dust and pressed it into the top of the paste. It dried into the top invisibly. I was also able to fill inthe small gaps with dust and mix it into the fresh glue. Camoflague is a good thing. The overlay is being glued onto the headstock, so this will never be seen.

lying on headstock

The next step is to temporarily fis it to the headstock and shape it. Then I can cut out the TRC part, glue the overlay on, and lacquer it all up.

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This is the last guitar I'll be posting progress pics on in this thread. When it's done, I'm letting the thread die.

Bloodwood & Longhi LPjr

I have the headplate glued on and the TRC cut out. They both have the first coat of lacquer on. Fron here, it's finishing up laying on the lacquer and letting it cure.



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