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My Second New Project

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The rings don't look right to me because the grain goes opposite of the wings. I can't define why the TRC doesn't look right, but I agree with you that it's a little off. You're right too that walnut for these pieces would look good. Maple wouldn't be bad, but walnut is probably the better choice. It'd match up well with the stripes in the zebra.

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  • 2 months later...

I actually like the look of the guitar so much that if you hadn't pointed out the pickup rings and truss rod cover I wouldn't have noticed.

Having said that a darker wood would probably look a bit better. Like avenger said I think it is the grain orientation that is off not the choice of wood itself.

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Great work! I like to see a unique take off a common guitar.

My 2 cents about the pickup rings: Get rid of them all together and directly mount the pickups. It'd look very clean like the rest of the guitar.

Just a thought anyways, nice guitar.

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