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Fun Guitar Something A Bit Different

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Glad you like it. The sensor used in that vid broke due to all the removing and refitting so I bought two more not knowing which one would work. Well they both worked so I have fitted both of them which makes it a bit more fun. ahhhh the bit at the end ...... I taped over my daughters tape so there is like 1 second of her in a wig..whoops. :D

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  • 1 month later...


Finally some more progress, after initially fitting the Beringer tremolo it stoped working. I thought I had blow it up so I fitted a very cheep Chinese analog delay which worked great – until it stopped working - something I did ,I think. After fretting about spending more money on more effects I had a go at getting the beringer tremolo working again , thank god it was a simple fix so in the end I am back to the beginning. I have changed the controls to

1 Volume ,1 Blend to mix the optical theremin and pickup, on / off switch for the theremin, pickup selector and sustainer controls. Two batterys 1 for sustainer and 1 for the tremolo and theremin. Depending on how the sustainer works ie if the pup output gets cut out with a flat sustainer battery, I will put in a switch to put guitar into passive mode – bridge pup direct to output jack. If anyone knows the answer to that please tell me.

I got the Carbon Fibre plate from Germany via Ebay and I am very happy with the quality of CF. I can tell you that after using 1 worn bandsaw blade and 3 jigsaw blades to cut out the body shape it must be real CF. Sanding (with face mask) the stuff is pretty easy so over all cutting it out was not too bad.

Next step is to counter sink the plate 2mm into the body to make it flat. This has to be done to not only make it look good but also to protect the players arm from the quite abrasive edge of the CF plate. After that the body will get painted a matt black to match the CF.

I am still waiting for an order from the states for hardware and duncan JB pup, it looks like that order has got lost so that will hold things up quite a bit

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Nice build!

If anyone knows of a carbon fibre laminate maker in Australia let me know.

I was going to say I have seen some carbonfibre lookalike stuff for cars at auto shops...tends to be a bit expensive...but now I see you found some...where from? :D

Also...did you cut this...also well done. I am actually looking for some tortoiseshell material if anyone has any clues, PM me or something.

Of course having a sustainer it is a project close to my heart. I am doing my own build (watch out for it) which will be including the guitarfetish optical tremolo...looks like a very nice compact unit and an alternative to adapting a pedal.

Will be keeping an eye on this one...


Ps...I like the video...sounds like manic whale songs or something.

While this is cool and obviously a lot of fun, I went to a demo of Roland's very expensive guitar synth thing in store recently which also uses an optical sensor to detect anything (could be your guitar's headstock so you don't need to take your hands from the guitar) to change parameters of your choosing including wammy pedals (perfect fro dive bombs) or filters of the actual guitar sound. Someone with a little knowledge and a dangerous mind for instance could hook such a sensor as you have there (which is really an optically variable control pot) to control the speed of a tremolo or the feedback of a delay. Even more simple, the volume knob for volume swells at the wave of a hand....hmmm...got me thinking!!! Very nice...

Edited by psw
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Someone with a little knowledge and a dangerous mind for instance could hook such a sensor as you have there (which is really an optically variable control pot) to control the speed of a tremolo or the feedback of a delay. Even more simple, the volume knob for volume swells at the wave of a hand....hmmm...got me thinking!!! Very nice...

Hi Pete,

Folks in the "Circuit Bending" community have been doing stuff like that for a little while.

I have been modifying Fab Echos with a similar control (among other things)




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I got the Carbon Fibre plate from Germany via Ebay and I am very happy with the quality of CF. I can tell you that after using 1 worn bandsaw blade and 3 jigsaw blades to cut out the body shape it must be real CF. Sanding (with face mask) the stuff is pretty easy so over all cutting it out was not too bad.

Did you ever consider getting a metal-cutting blade for your bandsaw? That might have worked better on the CF. Sure, you'd have had to hassle with changing the blades, but that's better than chewing through wood blades.

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I got the Carbon Fibre plate from Germany via Ebay and I am very happy with the quality of CF. I can tell you that after using 1 worn bandsaw blade and 3 jigsaw blades to cut out the body shape it must be real CF. Sanding (with face mask) the stuff is pretty easy so over all cutting it out was not too bad.

Did you ever consider getting a metal-cutting blade for your bandsaw? That might have worked better on the CF. Sure, you'd have had to hassle with changing the blades, but that's better than chewing through wood blades.

Not really as it would have been too expensive. The band saw blade used was close to the end of its life anyway. But judging by the jig saw blades ,which were for general metal ,the band saw blade would not have lasted much longer. I think you would need something like blades for stainless steel..

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Carbon Fiber sucks no matter what kind of blade you use. It's a brutal material to work with. Heats blades up fierce as well.

My recommendation is an angle grinder and a cutoff wheel. Slicing away the majority of excess material. Then use the grinding wheel to shave it down to the lines.

Otherwise, just really really slow cutting on the band saw. Let the blade do the work slowly, to keep it from overheating.

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More progress. This is pretty slow going, next guitar will be something much more basic.

The CF plate is sunk into the top


and this is a pic of the rear showing the electronics. rear

I have just found out that ZVEX fuzz factory is being made outside the USA and is now sold in Australia for about $240 so now they are just affordable and viable to fit to a guitar. Maybe the next project- or maybe not :D


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A bit more progress. I have sprayed a base coat of black and fitted the rest of the parts. Its starting to look ok now.

I need to move the tromolo on/off switch as its to close to the intonation screw. I missed that. If I could find a momentary on switch that didn't poke out it would fix the problem.

next is to buy some strings and check out the guitar electronics. After that I will pull it apart and spray the body black and oil the neck.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I have finally finished this guitar, apart from the missing machine head nut, If anyone in the states can contact planet waves and get them to send you one that you can pass on to me I will be very grateful. I’ll pay the freight of course.

They refuse to talk to me .I digress, The controls didn’t change much except I put the sustainer feedback sensitivity control on the top (next to slide switch) It sort of came by as an accident but I will leave it there as I find it useful. You can kind of do feedback swells or get the strings to vibrate quicker if you need to.

The other controls are Kill Sw,Volume , pickup selector, guitar/optical theorem selector. The onboard effect is a Berringer tremolo connected to the theorem. The switch for it is a little momentary sw behind the bridge. If I had more money I would get a much better tremolo and make it available to both circuits. It has two 9Volt battery’s , one for each and these switch in on circuit selection. They also get disconnected when the jack is out.


Full Frontal

Headstock (with missing bits)

Rear View

Cheers :D

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I had a missing black washer from my autotrim tuners box... planet waves sent me a whole new baggie of 6 washers and 6 nuts. PM me an address and i'll send you one.

Edited by Dana
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What would look cool on that carbon fiber top would be to heat the back up so when you look at it in an angle its yellowed. Then coat it in urethane to make it super glossy. But if that isnt the look you were going for then...But the guitar is sick dude that was some creative thinking to come up with that! :D

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No its a design i came up with originaly 15 years ago ( I am afraid to say) I made my first guitar then and then nothing for like 10 years . The first one was a lot more pointy on the lower bout but it sort of looked like a home built guitar if you know what I mean so I remodeled the shape. The first one is my avatar , this is the second of that shape.

Thanks for all the positives it was a pain at times but now the fun starts. I'll get some vid uploaded soon so you can all have a laugh. Me playing that is. :D

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