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New Baritone Slightly Pointy Guitar

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Not a huge fan, to be honest; it's a little lopsided (horns angling off strangely, lower horn too big relative the the upper, pointy cutout bits don't flow into the rest of the design very well), and too symmetrical in the lower bout to complement the rest all too well.

Then again, what do I know, I don't really like pointy guitars all that much!

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I'm not a huge fan of the shape either. I suppose the "slightly" in the slightly pointy means that only one side gets the metal treatment. I'd have gone with the pointyness all around, instead of just the upper side/arm rest area. I feel that the lower horn is too long, or the upper horn is too short. Or a combination of both? I dunno. I would trim the bottom horn down a bit and put one or two more "swooshes" into the bottom/rear area to even out the shape. Maybe you could draw inspiration from the ESP F series? They seem to be pretty similar for what you're trying to achieve.

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well with this one i have no intention of changing it. if you put some kind of point on the other side, it will dig into your leg when you are sitting down. i have experimented with a ton of different shapes, and this is the conclusion. i wont be changing it.

Well there you go, it is perfect :D If it is just the right fit for you then you have done it just right (that is all that really counts after all). Have fun with the build.


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well with this one i have no intention of changing it. if you put some kind of point on the other side, it will dig into your leg when you are sitting down. i have experimented with a ton of different shapes, and this is the conclusion. i wont be changing it.

Then don't ask other people for their thoughts on the design :D

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well with this one i have no intention of changing it. if you put some kind of point on the other side, it will dig into your leg when you are sitting down. i have experimented with a ton of different shapes, and this is the conclusion. i wont be changing it.

Then don't ask other people for their thoughts on the design :D

sorry, but im not trying to sound like some people on here who ask for an opinion and compltley ignore it. but still, i diddnt ask how to improve it. i think it is well thought out. i wanted to see if people liked it, not for people to tell me what i did wrong.

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sorry, but im not trying to sound like some people on here who ask for an opinion and compltley ignore it. but still, i diddnt ask how to improve it. i think it is well thought out. i wanted to see if people liked it, not for people to tell me what i did wrong.

Constructive criticism is the best kind. You can obviosuly choose to ignore it - no problems there... but it might be points you want to consider on a future build. You seem ambitious and like you want to start making more guitars for other people. If thats the case then other people views on what could be improved become very important... Its like free market research!!!

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sorry, but im not trying to sound like some people on here who ask for an opinion and compltley ignore it. but still, i diddnt ask how to improve it. i think it is well thought out. i wanted to see if people liked it, not for people to tell me what i did wrong.

Constructive criticism is the best kind. You can obviosuly choose to ignore - nor problems there... but it might be points you want to consider on a future build. You seem ambitious and like you want to start making more guitars for other people. If thats the case then other people views on what could be improved become very important... Its like free market research!!!

Good point, well made..................


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You seem ambitious and like you want to start making more guitars for other people. If thats the case then other people views on what could be improved become very important... Its like free market research!!!

I see it as art...You make it how YOU like it,then if you try to sell it,some will see the beauty in it,some won't,but who cares?

Improving the mechanics of a guitar is a good thing,changing the looks based on "popular" opinion is not,it just turns your art into mass pleasing garbage.

Much like Metallica's mass appeal madness turned their music into garbage.Art is art...subjective...get your "art on" people! :D

Obviously I don't mean custom builders should not listen to customers...I just mean some people are happy to produce instruments to other's specs,some build them to their specs,then sell them to other like-minded people.Neither way is "correct" or "incorrect."

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i see what you are saying wes and i do agree with the points you make.. ideally we should all just make them exactly how we want to. But i have had good ideas from listening to other people critiques whether i have used them straight away or not

Personally at the moment i am happy building to other peoples specs but also occasionaly dissapointed that more people are not going with my own designs... seeing my own designs through other people eyes is very helpfull to me!!

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Both points of view are extremely valid.I just mean I would not critisize killemall for sticking to his aesthetic ideas...Some will like his art,some won't.

Every time I post a finished guitar,some people try to tell me how they would "improve" the way they look...I just think that's bogus,because if I didn't like the way they looked ,I would not have built them..you know?

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Personally, I WANT as much input as possible on the design & look of things. This has absolutely nothing to do with experience. Any given person will look at something or hade a dofferent approach than I do, even if it's very slight. The different mindset will lead to different thoughts & ideas I never thought of. Some of these ideas I'll like, some I won't.Some I'll like the basic concept of, but I'll tweak them to suit my thoughts. These suggestions might even be mentally filed away for later use on another project.

Another thought to consider is that MANY people are reading these threads. The originator isn't the only one getting ideas & input. Open discussion like this almost always sparks new ideas & creativity in one of the readers.

To restate, any opinion or suggestion is of value, even if it's not to the person it's being offered to, and not for the task at hand.

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Good points, I'm one definitely to agree with Wes, Wez, Killemall in that one should build their guitars how they would want them to look. Like killemall I'll ask for opinions on designs, but will not always consider them, it helps you to see something you may not have. I like my own designs over common designs though no one else does, but sometimes a little nudge to change something will actually help me improve something, like my Star Trek millenium falcon design(as coined in a thead), while it was suited to my tastes it really did need quite a bit of work and thanks to some advice and mild insults, lol, I was able to improve the design to something I liked even better.

Either way I've liked all of killemalls work and look forward to future builds, whether or not I am a fan of the actual design, the work has been well done. And I don't see any major problem with asking for opinions and not changing your ideas, as I said it can be helpful sometimes whether or not you change your design. As Wes said so many people who post get reponses on how to improve the aesthetics of their guitars and thats not really something one can offer since the aesthetics are based on the desires of the person and not the poster, some people love redoing designs like strats or lps and others like unique designs, whether or not someone else likes their taste is of no real consequence, unless for business purposes. Anyhow, I was hoping you'd end up with a camera for the holidays killemall! I guess you'll have to take some of your profits for one now. Best of luck man. J

Edited by jmrentis
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i do agree with all of you. all have extremly accurate points and are very knowledgeable. i never turn down a suggestion until i have considered it thoroughly. i spend many many hours a day here on pg and just googling designs and old threads to better improve my knowledge on construction and smart design. so i do listen and thrive for new knowledge. and to jason, no i diddnt get a camera. i am still stuck with the crappy one. the reason it sucks so bad is because its a video camera, but also takes pics, but with very low quality(obviously)

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