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New Kl Explorer Build. Kill Em All!

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i cant believe it! i made a nut out of wood because i was dying to try it out, and strung it up, and i cant believe it! only buzzez on one fret! without even leveling! that is unheard of for me! glad i am finally getting better. sounds great acousticly, but i will have to thin down the neck considerably. expect that done later tonight. i might wire it up just for the fun of it, and post a youtube vid just for fun.

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Oooh, good-lookin' explorer you have there. This is turning out to be a fine guitar. Just make sure that when you thin the neck you dont go down to the truss rod this time because that would really suck. Your work makes me really want to go and finish my guitar but with my shop situation right now I can't. Very nice looking wood on this instrument too.

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Oooh, good-lookin' explorer you have there. This is turning out to be a fine guitar. Just make sure that when you thin the neck you dont go down to the truss rod this time because that would really suck. Your work makes me really want to go and finish my guitar but with my shop situation right now I can't. Very nice looking wood on this instrument too.

thanks. i dont think i will mess it up again. the only reason i did the first times is because that wood was way thin, barley thick enough to use, and i just went to far. thanks again!

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Wow, i'm so glad you managed to persevere, what with the original neck routing though and all the other issues....that is one nice Explorer! Is the shape the Gibson style or the slightly sleeker ESP lawsuit shape? It kind of reminds me of the original natural mahogany Ibanez ICs with the silver and black....very classy!

When are you going to do the fretwork, or have you managed to squeeze that job in those five days also?! Olympic speed man, olympic.

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Very nice Luie. Love how it's turning out. That body looks like its in very good shape and texture the neck looks amazing. The neck joint looks even better.

Keep up the good work :D

thanks, i really appreciate it. check out some more pics




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Wow, i'm so glad you managed to persevere, what with the original neck routing though and all the other issues....that is one nice Explorer! Is the shape the Gibson style or the slightly sleeker ESP lawsuit shape? It kind of reminds me of the original natural mahogany Ibanez ICs with the silver and black....very classy!

When are you going to do the fretwork, or have you managed to squeeze that job in those five days also?! Olympic speed man, olympic.

thanks! it is actually almost exactly in between the 2 shapes. but i would say more of an esp. the fretwork will be all done tonight, and i will probably upload a youtube vid for all to see. thanks again

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can i ask why no one ever says anything on my builds? i never get any comments at all. is it really that bad?

Just like my thread man.. nobody comments on it or anything :D

btw, I like that wood, what is it?

oh nvm :D I read that it is mahogany B)

A better guess is that you are doing it so well and explaining it so thoroughly that no one needs more information. Pat yourself on the back for being a good writer/teacher, and keep doing it!

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Nice work... and I can't believe how quickly you made this.

So how did you angle the TOM bridge. Stew mac says that the bass side should be 1.5 to 3mm out compared to the treble side but that doesn't seem like much. It looks like you didn't angle your bridge that much either. Does it intonate well?

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Nice work... and I can't believe how quickly you made this.

So how did you angle the TOM bridge. Stew mac says that the bass side should be 1.5 to 3mm out compared to the treble side but that doesn't seem like much. It looks like you didn't angle your bridge that much either. Does it intonate well?

it is angled. it is angled about just about 1/8 of an inch. i guess you just cant tell by the pics. it intonates perfect on all strings. thanks!

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I was reading somewhere today that a PRS thats worth $4000 retail only cost PRS $750 to make.

So what ever it cost you to build times it by 4 and you will have a fair retail price. Then take away 1/4 or 1/3 of the retail price and you will have a good street vaule. List it on ebay as a custom axe blah blah. hype it up. get someone to record them sherding on it thru a mesa boogie? and it will sell no worries.

P.S. Well thats they way i see big companies selling their guitars today!!!

P.P.S. I should write an ebook on marketing guitars, i could make a million.

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