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Gibson Custom L5s Copy

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I got a hold of what I was told was a copy of a Gibson L5S Custom solid body electri guitar. I came stripped of all finish. So far, I have sanded it glass smooth and just ordered the nitro to finish it.

Paint: I am goint to do a burst with fender colors Lake Placid Blue and Ice Blue. I am hoping that that will turn out well. I know, Fender colors on a Gibson? They just look so cool, and it will turn out like a a picture that I saw of the new Les Paul HD6X.


* SD '59 (neck) and Custom (bridge) pickups.

* 3-way pickup switch

* 2Vol pots push/pull

- neck pot will switch the pickup circuit from series to parallel (between pickups)

- bridge pot will put the pickups out of phase

* Concentric pot for tone/and a black ice distortion circuit from stewmac.com (dial distiortion!) :D

* 2 on/on/on DP/DT mini-switches to do a series/split/parallel job on each pickup

* Endpin jack so that the face of the guitar won't be too cluttered :D: ) I can't do a side wall jack, becuase the wall of the control cavity is not wide enough.

My guitar pics

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I thought maybe you had one of these.


Sweet project though!

No, I believe the "S" in the model name refers to the fact that it is a 'S'olid body. Try a google search for L5-S (http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&um=1&hl=en&q=Gibson+L-5s)

On a lighter note, check this action out! I found it when searching for pics of a finished L5-S. http://news.harmony-central.com/Newp/2007/...elf-Tuning.html

Too bad it is only available as original equipment!

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