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My First Project (in Progress)

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thts goin to look real nice travis. cant wait to c it wit sm curvs!! :D:D


Thanks chris im going to try get it nicley shaped out as soon as possible :D

Even pressure is pretty important when you glue a fretboard. I know most guys don't use these methods,but in a pinch they will work well.1- pin or clip the FB in place, and use a bunch of rubber bands wrapped tightly around(a more common method on acoustics due to odd shape of the heal). 2- lock in as in #1, then wind string around the fretboard. After the string is in place take some wood wedges and tap them under the string. You would be amazed at how much even pressure can be generated using either of these methods B) .


Thanks rich il be sure to remember that for when i do my next build.

Here's a little picutre of it out of clamps.

But i have a question my fretboard is really thick and i was thinknig maybe im ment to sand it down abit but its pre-cut fret slots so im not sure if that would make them to shellow and i would have to re-cut them.

I bought the fretboard here.

Any one else bought one from there that might be able to help me out?

all the best,


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thts goin to look real nice travis. cant wait to c it wit sm curvs!! :D:D


Thanks chris im going to try get it nicley shaped out as soon as possible :D

Even pressure is pretty important when you glue a fretboard. I know most guys don't use these methods,but in a pinch they will work well.1- pin or clip the FB in place, and use a bunch of rubber bands wrapped tightly around(a more common method on acoustics due to odd shape of the heal). 2- lock in as in #1, then wind string around the fretboard. After the string is in place take some wood wedges and tap them under the string. You would be amazed at how much even pressure can be generated using either of these methods B) .


Thanks rich il be sure to remember that for when i do my next build.

Here's a little picutre of it out of clamps.

But i have a question my fretboard is really thick and i was thinknig maybe im ment to sand it down abit but its pre-cut fret slots so im not sure if that would make them to shellow and i would have to re-cut them.

I bought the fretboard here.

Any one else bought one from there that might be able to help me out?

all the best,


5/16" is standard if you didn't raise the neck (basically if you're doing a neckthrough it is the right height for most bridges. I would check the your bridge height. I also wouldnt sand off the top, sand from the bottom so you don't lose the fret slot depth.

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1. A radius makes playing much more comfortable, the curve just seems to fit my hand better as opposed to a non-radiused fingerboard (like some classical guitars). I have never seen a non-radiused bass, though I have contemplated trying it. A non-radius feel just isn't right for basses. Playstyles vary, this does not apply towards everyone.

2. It's not necessary, but like I mentioned, play styles vary.

3. You can use a radius block, or use the search on the forums (or look in the tutorial section) for other methods of radiusing. With a radius block it's best to keep the fingerboard or neck centered between two pieces of something (metal, plastic, wood, your imagination is the limit) so the radius block stays in one positon. You can purchase radius blocks on StewMac.


GuitarGuy also makes custom radius blocks.

4. What tools? A radius block, adhesive sandpaper or an adhesive spray to stick the sandpaper to the block, and one human hand (preferably two).

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It is not that it is a bad idea but it is not mandatory that you radius the board.

At the end of the day it is personal preference as to wither you like a radius on the board or not. I have tried both and on fretless I like the board flat on fretted I find both work fine for me.

Been overtaken here.

It is not all that difficult with a radius sanding block just takes time and concentration.

You can get a radius sanding block from craft supplies for a tenner.

Edited by skelf
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey sorry for the long pauses in progress but im hoping to really nuckle down and get loads of work done on my bass soon.

Here's and update of the shapping done on the body since last time

I have also cleaned up the headstock and fretboard abit.

I hope to have some more exiting updates soon =)

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Oh ya guys i got a question you know where i could get a cheap set of actice emg j pickups?

Cheapest iv found that will post to the u.k is this

There alot cheaper on ebay but on ebay they wont post to the U.K

All the best,


Edit: wow just found a set of MEC's on here!

Wow might go for those if they come with the wiring

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey my pickups arrived and there mint condition for only £107 which i think is really good =)

Have a look http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/2774/pups2lr.jpg

Also i updated the site.

Im hoping to get the pickup holes and cavity covers cut out soon probley going to have to use a chizzel as i have a lack of any good tools and machinery.

Also i got a thin slice of the zebrano cut to do a venner on the head stock then im going to inlay a T into it using wenge.

As well as that iv got some plastic sheet down in my room so i can do work inside where it is warm and dry =)

Il try get some work done and post some pictures soon.

All the best,


Edited by travismoore
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