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Drak's Junior V

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That longer horn looks like it will snap off easily, but I suppose thats a given with any pointy body shape.

I quite like the colour it is now personally, but I'm sure white will be great too.

Edited by Ben
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How does the smaller body size sit and feel while playing standing or sitting in relation to a full size RRV? Ive noticed a difference going between the 67 V and the 59 V so id figure there would be some difference.


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Comparing it to the other V's I'm building, I notice a big difference. The bigger ones feel a little erm... 'clunky' after holding the new one for a few minutes, the new one really feels like your strapped into the drivers seat of an Indy car and you just want to mash the pedal to the floor instantly, you just want to play speed metal on it, hehehe, I really mean that too, it has a long and sleek feel to it that I love, that is exactly what I was shooting for with the streamlined body, one of my ideas actually panned out, hahaha!

Also, the Spanish Cedar body is -so- friggin' light I swear it would float on water, that really adds to the effect, so you add the sleekness and slimness to the lightweightness and it's a -very- different feel from the other ones, very different, very 'fast' feeling, I like it a LOT. :D

I think even with a heavier wood (I'm considering building another one with a piece of Purpleheart that's been lying around) it would still feel really sleek and streamlined, really 'speed metal' feeling.

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