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Oil For A Maple Board?

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I got to cleaning one of my guitars, one with a rosewood board, the other night, and I found that my dad had some linseed oil laying around. Suffice to say that it looks beautiful and plays very smoothly now!

Now, I need to clean my guitar the has a maple board. It's an old RG550, and I think it's supposed to have a finish on the neck and board, but it looks to be sanded off, except maybe a thin line along the edges of each fret. My question is, is linseed oil appropriate for a maple board also? And if it is, will anything goofy happen because of the small amounts of finish remaining?

Thanks guys.

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linseed oil is a very dark oil and will add a darker color to your maple. if you feel that you need to put something on it get yourself a bottle of mineral oil at your local grocery store and use that. it's clear.

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most maple fretboards that have a factory finish on them have been shot with lacquer. if you don't want to do that but want a harder type finish you could apply several coats of tung oil. if you just want to condition the board then use the mineral oil.

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