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Im the new kid here... just saying hi and introducing myself... im Luke and I'm 12 years old... I've just started guitar about 6 months ago and got a great teacher and my dads really inspiring me... I own a Tremonti PRS, Spirit Steinburg, a Slammer (my brothers when he quit guitar), and a Alverez Acoustic... I'm from PA,USA... and i think Ill have a great time here!!!well I dont really think you give a crud about anything else so... yo everyone B):D



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Welcome aboard! I'm fairly new to Project Gutar as well (just joined earlier this month) and in this time I've gotten great feedback from the group here. There is a lot of information here and great people as well. Avail yourself of the search feature because there's a lot of good stuff already here. If you don't find it there put the question out there. There a lot of great ideas here.

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