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Meu X E-series

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Personally I like boring ol' plain dots. Especially on a relatively flashy guitar--go too fancy on the inlays and you risk pushing it over the edge into gaudy.

Which may be your preference, of course.

What about playing with the idea of off-center fretmarkers?

Or Gretsch-style thumbnail markers?

With your guitar, round fret makers make sense though, given the way you play with the f-holes/knobs.

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Yeah, those gretch ones do look nice, and you can just buy dots and cut them in half for that, which is also a plus. Easy to cut inlay design :D lol

However, I was also thinking, going along the lines of the "round" inlay idea, blue recon stone tears going down the top of the fretboard marking the usual frets. Obviously a darker colored blue, like water.


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that's a cool idea, like purfling on the top edge of the fretboard... but only of the 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.

And I planned to put afancy cursive E at the twelth for the "E-series" anyways.


Having seen the guitar... what do ya'll think would look better.... turqoise/blue ones like I describe above... or red (the E at the twelth fret will be white pearl).

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Ok, so I've come across a problem. I lost my superswitch, and I wasn't about to pay another $20 for another, so I went the cheap route and got a "super switch" copy from specialtyguitars.com. Although it's exactly what it says it is... it's larger than a superswitch and therefore DOESN'T fit into my f-hole, and therefore can't be installed hahaha. SO I was wondering, what kinda combinations of a humbucker and a P90 can I get with a NORMAL 5-way. Like the standard c heap kind. Cause I'm tired of forking out cash for these super switches!


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looks promising... but that says it's for 2 humbuckers and looks pretty specific.... anyone know how to wire that for a humbucker and a P90. Basically I want:

1) humbucker

2) split humbucker

3) split humbucker with P90

4) P90

5) Anything, not too picky about this, can be anything from like a paralell/series type thing, or hell, even a "mute".... that's actually be kinda nice...


PS: Sorry for those who gave me schematics already with a superswitch...

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Megaswitch "E"

You could wire this one to give you either:

1. Bridge Humbucker

2. Split Humbucker

3. Split Humbucker + P90

4. P90

5. mute (I think) or P90 again


1. Split Humbucker (outside coil)

2. Bridge Humbucker (coils in parallel)

3. Split Humbucker (outside coil) + P90

4. Split Humbucker (inside coil) + P90

5. P90

Or (I'd have to draw it out to make sure) you might be able to use the "P" switch to get:

1. Bridge Humbucker

2. Split Humbucker (inside coil) + P90 in parallel

3. Split Humbucker (outside coil) + P90 in series

4. Split Humbucker (outside coil) + P90 in parallel

5. P90

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If you've got your superswitch figured out, cool. :D

In case you decide to use the megaswitch, here are a couple of wiring options:

Megaswitch "E" wiring (note - these are based on Seymour Duncan wiring standards - your mileage may vary.)

Happy wiring B) and Happy New Year :D


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Just letting ya'll know, the neck will be tapered and the headstock shape ALMOST finished cutting out. So check back later, I'll edit this post to include all the good stuff (pics, etc.)


PS: Just cut off the excess wood so that I can route this stuff..... finally got a look at how the scarf turned out (looked kinda off from the sides) but MAN did it turn out flawless once you cut into the wood a bit! Neck's gunna be PERFECT!

Edit: Ok, so I lied, I didn't get the full tapering done today, but I did cut off the bulk of the extra wood and it'll hit the router first thing tomorrow hopefully! Until then, here's a rough look at the neck:


and here's a pick of the wood and the templates... may help you get a better idea of how it WILL look...

Templates and Wood

Sorry this build is going so slowly... I'm lazy like that hahahaha,


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Oh yeah, another question for ya'll....I "m still stuck on this inlay idea... I can't seem to find anything that works 100%, so I was gunna ask what you guys thought of this (it'll match the recon stone lined screw holes of the pickup rings too :D )


So tell me what cha think? I'm thinking this may be the final design for this guitar's inlay...

Except I might make them a LITTLE more spread out than they appear so that all the dots are in the center of frets... (center dot on the 12th).


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hahahaha, I'm having trouble dealing with only ONE side. cause I originally designed the inlay in metric, but now am using imperial sized drill bits to create the dots... so it's proving hard. I've come up with the sizes I think i want to use (going from middle largest dot to outter smallest dot) 19/64, 1/4, 13/64, 5/32, 1/16

HOWEVER am I asking for trouble wanting to inlay a dot that small??? (1/16)

And the single "wave" is actually growing on me (over the X) the more that I look at it...

Only thing I'm afraid of is that I'll get my dots on and be like "DAMN they seem too small...."

So maybe I will get rid of the 1/16, having the 5/32 as the smallest, and then having the big middle dot be 11/32..... such indecisiveness!!!


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Man that looks great!! and I say go with the wave it looks sooooo clean



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And now for the real thing, I've created all my recon turqoise web dots (for the fretboard AND the pickup rings's stone lined screw holes) and I've laid it out on the fingerboard (keep in mind it's not yet tapered).


Any and all comments welcome.


Answer to Prevail below: technically one side is longer, cause the lower frets are larger... but other than that I'm not sure what exactly ya'll mean. Like add another smaller wave like above it almost paralleling it? Or like have the figure eight and have the upper left and lower right one longer than the upper right and loser left? kinda like the illusion myung's bass gives off?

Feel free to grab my pic and photoshop what you mean if it helps.

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Ok, so not only have I glued the fretboard onto the neck now (but I'll wait to upload pics of that when I've shaped the neck out and everything TOO) I've made some nice pickup rings....


Now you might say, "hey, wait a second, why would he make two pickup rings with DIFFERENT colored mounting screw hole purfling?!?! That'll jsut look sillly!?" But elementary my dear watson's.... what you see in that picture is actually the SAME pickup ring.... ONE side has blue ones.... one side has red ones! And I've got two of them :D So now if one day I go, I'm tired of blue... i can pull out the pickups, flip over the ring... and have red :D

I'd like to think this is FINALLY something original! Cause EVERY time I think of something someone goes "been done!" but this.... this I think is truely mine, and the feeling is like no other!


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