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The New Impaler!

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Funny pics Matt, the first one looks like the normal Metal Matt just rockin out on his weapon of choice, but the second pic reminds me of Santa Clause, showing a gift that was made by the elves and going to little timmy. I wish I was good at photoshop

HAHAHAHA :D I for one Am glade your not good with photoshop B)

Wow, I'm not a fan of "metal" guitars (well I still like the mockingbird), but the amount of effort and skill in your guitar are swaying me.  There are lots of extra touches on that guitar that really stand out. What an inspiration!

Thanks Man It's cool how the Impaler design has become Better than ever

I have A real chane to make something for my self outa this design


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That headstock and the shape on the end of the fingerboard really add class to the design.

Is this going to be your guitar? Or is it getting sold?

Thanks Man! with the headstock Jeremy helped me with the design I came up with A cool idea and Jeremy helped me rework it so that It would flow more with the Impaler design, and the spike at the end of the fretboard was A last min Thing Jeremy told me not to cut of the end so we could work on some Ideas and one thing lead to another and We came up with that design

And yes this is my guitar and my build and I will not be selling it! one day I hope to be selling copy's of this design! :D but not yet I want this one


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Dude, that looks amazing!! Paint it Baby pink with baby blue bevels i say!

Thanks Man And No Baby pink and blue, just PINK


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Yep it Jeremy's shop in Red Deer!! by the time Im done here It will have been A month!

Im glade You guys like The new IMPALER Im extremely proud of it!!


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Well I got the Back of the neck done It just need's A bit more sanding

I have To say that It came out Really well Im likeing this Neck building stuff!! B)

I also have the body done now It only need's The jack hole drilled out and the body need's sanding! so I think it should be In paint this weekend :D


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Let me ask a question here...

I'm figuring it's (to a point) easy for you because Jeremy is tooled up very well with jigs (to an extent anyway), and once you have the jigs, the rest is usually not too difficult.

That's why I can whip out a Tele body in 1/2 day, because I have the jigs for everything I need.

So, I'm wondering why you aren't spending most of your time making copies of his jigs to take home instead of working on one guitar?

When you have the jigs, you can make dozens of guitars.

Please excuse me if I'm way off base, I'm completely guessing what's going on just by your posts, but just to work on a guitar there when you could be getting jigged up for many more guitars doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but please straighten me out, I'm sure I don't know the whole story, maybe you two have already worked that out. :D

PS, I'd like more of an explanation of what you do for him every day to earn your keep.

Gotta pay your dues to play the blues and all that cliche stuff...are you a great employee? :D:DB)

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Ok now First thing I made my own jig for my Impaler, so I have that! the only jig's I used where the neck jigs and there His! I may ask him If i can copy some neck jig's But there not really hard to make if a guy know's what he's doing

what Im here for Is to help Jeremy out and do some learing aswell The guitar Is payment for my help and also A learing tool

I'd like more of an explanation of what you do for him every day to earn your keep.

Well I do anything I can to help, cuting out and shapeing bodys, making neck blanks, sloting fretboards, sanding body's for Paint and clear, sanding primer for paint, sanding clear for next coat, wet sanding, cleaning around the shop,

Im a grunt anything that I can do that needs doing get's done B)

I only work on the Impaler after hours! my day starts at 10-12:00 and It end's at 6:00 that's when I start work on my Impaler and that's done Around 8-10:00 PM

and this is monday to saturday and some times sunday!

are you a great employee? 

IM THE BEST!! :D and dont you forget it :D


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Ok some more pic's!!

The Back of me DEADLY neck


And My headstock


Now I have Alot of sanding to do :D


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Thanks Guy's It's working out really good sofar IM IN LOVE with this new impaler and my neck feels great :D BUT now I have so much sanding to do and than It's ready for Paint

I love building necks! and when I get my self set up Im going to try some Wild Wood combos B)


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Hehehe, Matt hasn't even seen this yet :D Matt got sick today and had to go home, since we're running out of time I stayed late tonight and got some paint on the impaler for him, check this out :D


More pics




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