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Well Im Going Away For A Few Week's

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forget the camera and notepad, and just do your job. More chance of getting asked back if you're actually working rather than using Jeremy's time to research.

Best advise given so far!

I'm a firm believer of this. Anywere you go to work at, even in the Army as I'm in a new field now, they look at what you are putting out, what you are learning and how good you learn too. Had a superior sent back to the office (whos been doing our job for a year) and got my self a nice TDY (field trip to work) after only doing this for 4 weeks!!

Ah, doing fiber optics! So a great field now that I plan on getting out.

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Hey Guy's and Hello from Red Deer!! Well I was Only Hear For About 6 hour's last night and I was All ready Learing Some Sweet Stuff B) First Off Jeremy Is A Reaylly Good guy AND MAN CAN HE PAINT!!!!!!!!!! :D Seeing His Work In person

Has Made The whole Trip worth it :D

So Today I"ll Be Working On some neck Blanks and Maybe Some Body work

(I have Alot To learn}

And Than soon I should Be Geting Started On the new IMPALER


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Ok Now I'll start A new Thread when I have Some pic's but for now I'll keep it in hear B) I started the Neck blanck for the New Impaler (And Like 5-6 more over that) plus I did two fretboard's one for the Impler and One for a Leviathan

Now I Did Good On my fret board BUT I made a goof on the other board (My falt)

however The board can be saved It's just going to have to be A 6-string board now :D


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Now I Did Good On my fret board BUT I made a goof on the other board (My falt)

however The board can be saved It's just going to have to be A 6-string board now :D


That's great MM. A person who never makes a mistake also has never done anything. lol Mistakes come with the territory. I ruined two necks before I built one that was decent.. :D I'm sure Jeremy will put you on the right track. Good luck with the learning and building!!!

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That's great MM. A person who never makes a mistake also has never done anything. lol Mistakes come with the territory. I ruined two necks before I built one that was decent..  I'm sure Jeremy will put you on the right track. Good luck with the learning and building!!!

Ya well if it was my wood at my shop for my project goof's would ok but this Is not my wood not my guitar and not my shop! :D So I dont Want to make to many more goof's like that :D

something else Im finding is That Becaue the guitars im working with are not mine and are for someone else and They need to be GREAT so that bring's up a fear intimidation thing and Im worried that will cause me to make more erorrs,

I think That It has Alot to do with me working out side of my comfort zone, You know what I mean?

Im away from my home shop and Away from the tool's I have A feel for, So It's like It's All new to me

This Is A vey cool experience


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Congrats man! This will definitely be a great experience for you!

Ya This Is Really cool!!! I forgot to tell you guy's that I got to play a few Leviathans!!!!! B) WOW WOW WOW WOW OMG I have Neer felt any thing like that!!!!!! Jeremy's Neck's Are SOOOO nice, It felt like My hand melted and became one with the neck and the sound was unlike anything I've EVER played

Im a bit freaked out to play in frount of Jeremy since he's so dam good :D

Man Just To play A role in building some of these thing's is an honor


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so tell us what are you learning?

Ok first thing I had No idea how easy it was to build A neck!!!!! :D Im still not great at some parts but I really dont know Why I was so CHICKEN SH!T to try it :D ,

Im learing some really cool stuff Ive Been doing some shaping with A rasp and learing about templates and Jigs and how they work Im also learing to do thing's better that I new how to do before, Ive been workig on necks and fret boards, and some body work , and Ive been sanding body's with primer

And Im learing some stuff that I just Cant tell you guy's!


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I told you, you big Candyass you...!

YaYaYa :D you where right! not only is it easy it's fun!! when I get over My OMG what am I doing "fear" my fav parts about dong the necks Is makeing the neck blanks and glueing them all up, cuting and sanding out the headstocks

sloting the fret board (I could be better :D ) But toe one thing im haveing a hard time with is the truss rod slots they just dont like me yet :D


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Ok first thing I had No idea how easy it was to build A neck!!!!! :D  Im still not great at some parts but I really dont know Why I was so CHICKEN SH!T to try it  :D

I told you, you big Candyass you...! B)

Now when I finaly make mine!!!! You better keep your mouth shut or I will.......

err, never mind,

It is a lot easier when you have somebody that have a lot of experience close for "moral" support and a lot of jigs too.

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This is easily one of the best threads ever!

That is awesome Matt. Just keep your head down and believe in yourself, you're going to do great!

Ya This Is cool!! and You know What I was out at a bar with jeremy tonight and I think Im really starting to relax and calm down B)

It is a lot easier when you have somebody that have a lot of experience close for "moral" support and a lot of jigs too.

That Is So True man!! and sofar the necks are easy But like Jermy Told me tonight I still have to do the Carving :D


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Sometimes at work certain jobs intimidate me and I wind up over-thinking things but after I just jump in and do it I find that most of the time they're almost embarassingly simple.

Confidence can sure go a long ways. As long as I don't get cocky, that is. :D

Being humble can be a good trait but can work against you sometimes.

I found that I can get down on myself and admit EVERY little thing I find wrong with myself but by doing that in front of a boss or co-workers I point out weaknesses that would have gone unnoticed.

I'm my own worst critic and I walk a fine line between being humble & confident without downgrading my skills to my boss.


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Hey guys,

Just logging in to tell you a little about Matt's progress.

First, he's a cool guy, a little intimidated by some of the work I think, and I'm probably not the best teacher, I was kind of noticing today, I tend to blast through things pretty quick, so, like I did, he's probably learning somewhat "trial by fire".

He does listen though, he does things as he's told which will certainly help his learning process.

I think if I had to say something negative, my only comment would be his confidence in himself, which is picking up, and probably just shaken being in a new shop with unfamiliar tools. He's made a couple of minor mistakes (which I have totally expected) and they're no big deal, but he gets kind of down about them, so Matt, don't worry buddy!!!! it's no big thing, unless I get mad it wasn't a big enough mistake to worry about!

Anyway, I think the biggest thing that Matt is learning so far is design refinement.

He came up with his headstock design, and it was cool, I made a couple suggestions and it went (in his mind) from cool, to HOLY F*** THAT'S COOL!!.

So anyway, I won't tell you everything about everything, I'll leave that to Matt, I'll just leave it at saying he's doing well, and I'm happy to have him here, this impaler will certainly be a contender for GOTM when it's done :D


Here's a couple pics of his neck that he asked me to take for him.




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where are you staying?

Well Im Staying with A friend Of jeremy's! because there's A spare room hear

The guy im staying with Is another really cool guy

Nice Stuff Matt, I'm Glad to hear you're not flunking out of you're crash course in guitar building . Anyways, I can't wait to see the impaler finished up, I like the headstock,definately an improvement over the old one if I do say so . Can't wait to hear again

Well that's A big part of what In learing out hear! Making A design flow from the body to the neck I mean as Most of you guy's know Ive Been doing body's for A while now, So im good with designing body's BUT I Have Had a hard time geting my headstocks to match up with my body's So jermy's been teatchig me how to make thing's fit and flow with a design


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