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What Can I Do With A Cnc Lathe?


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Hi all. I just recently got 3, yes 3, FREE CNC lathes from my brother's CAD teacher. I have all the software and everything for them, and my brother knows how to do all that CNC stuff (all i need to get is an old computer for running this stuff). Anyways, I have NO CLUE what I could use these for in terms of making guitars or anything for that matter (except for maybe making dowels out of wood and using them for dot inlays). I would love to hear some ideas on what you think I could do with these since I can't think of anything really usefull.

BTW, when I get these things up and running, his teacher is going to give us a CNC mill for FREE! When I get that puppy in my hands, the real fun will begin. Pickguards, brigdes, inlays... :D I cant WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Keep the best one for making pool cues & high-end pens, then sell the other two.

You know all those little 1" x 1" x 6" bits of wood for sale as "pen blanks"? They're all scrap wood left over from bigger projects (like guitars...). Find someone who'll get you the right parts, turn 'em into pens and sell 'em for $50 a pop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, unless you have access to HUGE chunks of very fine wood, they are of little use in instrument construction. You could find a log of about 8" diameter and turn a spindle with a cone at each end, about 2" diameter for about 18" and then cone to 8' at the body end and 6" at the nut end. Cut it in half with a bandsaw lengthwise and you would have two necks that need a LOT of work. :D

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Keep the best one for making pool cues & high-end pens, then sell the other two. 

You know all those little 1" x 1" x 6" bits of wood for sale as "pen blanks"?  They're all scrap wood left over from bigger projects (like guitars...).  Find someone who'll get you the right parts, turn 'em into pens and sell 'em for $50 a pop.

best idea by far.guitar builders are wise to have other sources of income such as this to pay for their hobby.

more people buy pool cues and high end pens than guitars.think about it

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  • 3 months later...

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