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He was a good man by all indications, and he did institute a lot of reforms, but in the final analysis, he was the head of the Roman Catholic Church, and as such, charged with the promotion and protection of their beliefs. it's both disingenuous and uncharitable to revile him for not throwing out the rule book and turning the Vatican into a theme park. If you don't like the Catholic policies on homosexuals, birth control, women in the priesthood, etc., that's fine, but blaming John Paul for not changing centuries-old dogma to suit you is ludicrous! And before anybody jumps me for saying so, let me state that I'm a neither a Catholic, a homophobe, nor a mysoginist/chauvinist - I simply think interpreting John Paul's papal "career" from a limited and decidedly anti-Catholic view point qualifies as player-hatin'.

Wes, I think you'd make a good pope, 'cept for that whole "celibacy" thing.

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If you don't like the Catholic policies on homosexuals, birth control, women in the priesthood, etc., that's fine, but blaming John Paul for not changing centuries-old dogma to suit you is ludicrous!

To my knowlegde :D Aids is not a century-old dogma..........but heck what do I know.

Can we please go back to building guitars..... :D

Edited by RGGR
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I'm posting this blanks space because if I write what I'm thinking it will bring so much trouble here than it already has. MM I think you should just dissappear, betwen your takes on guitar and that last post you have shown how inteligent you realy are... I will not disscuss it more, because as I have seen on the other threads you read what you like and understands what you want. So Peace and long live the Pope.

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To my knowlegde  Aids is not a century-old dogma..........but heck what do I know.

but frowning on premarital sex IS centuries old dogma.

Can we please go back to building guitars.....

ummm...yes....you can :D

all you have to do is ACTUALLY go back to building guitars :D

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It probably is best if this gets closed. I had to post just because I felt like MM was getting way too disrespectful and someone needed to do something at least a little confrontational. Most of the time I try to stay out of conversations like this here on the forums, because it's against the rules, and I feel very strongly about my beliefs. They have nothing to do with guitar building and really have no place on this forum, but discussions like this are kind of interesting. I like seeing what other people believe. I know a couple've people asked me questions, but I don't really feel right continuing in this thread. If you really want to talk, just send me a PM.

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