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Drum Machines?


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That's OK, I almost certainly use NONE of my software to full potential. The levels of "complication" I reach could probably be worked out in Microsoft Sound Recorder. :D

Reason is a bit too synthy-looking for me, and it doesn't record live audio. Without recording audio tracks, I don't think I'd even bother recording a song at all. B)


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ah now that is a very good point. i think that when the blokey from prodigy used it they had pro tools for all the vocal stuff. either that or they just sampled the vocals into the DR Rex sampler in there.

remember that reason 3 is coming out and it should add some new and grooxy things. we shall have to wait and see lol

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Reason 3's feature list is already out, no? All they did is at a patch-creation unit (the Combinator) from what I can see, which is something I can already do in EnergyXT, a full-fledged host and modular environment costing 39 Euros!

Drum machines, though--

I've been in touch with a guy lately that sells MIDI loops, and I've tested out the freebies he offers. While the price -seems- steep because the product is only a few kilobytes (MIDI files don't take much space), the obvious effort he's put into them reveal a lot of hard work.

MIDI loops are ultimately more flexible because you can change drums, patterns, tempo, etc. Anyhow, if you're interested, check out:

Groove Monkee

Really good stuff, and potentially far better than any drum machine would be capable of.


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Sorry it's been a while since I replied, the nice people at BT messed up my phone line while they were replacing a telegraph pole in my street, so I've had no internet for a week :D anyway...I think I've found exactly what I'm looking for! I'm going to get rid of my 8 track and get Line 6 Rifftracker recording software, it has a built in drums from Drums on Demand which sound great and of course you can also download more drums, effects etc from the Line 6 site.

Check it out... http://line6.com/rifftracker/

Anyone want an digital 8 track? :D


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