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Stew-mac Quilt Maple Top


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I find it better to buy wood from a lumber supplier, it is usually a lot cheaper but you will have to do all the finish work yourself most of the time, plus you can get better grade wood and have more options with a hardwood supplier for better prices. On top of that, most of the things in the StewMac catalog are there to rip people off, most of the tools and jigs they sell can be made by anyone willing to take the time, so if you are building a guitar you should have the patience and time to make these jigs yourself, and save yourself the money. For example, a saddlematic intonation gauge costs 30 bucks, to make one would cost a couple dollars with parts from home depot. thats just a little thing though, there are more things that are unecessary from stew mac for the price they sell them. Files, fretwire, cutting bits, stuff like that is worth it though.

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No, that wasn't me, I decided not to buy it after because it was kiln dried, and I don't really trust anyone on eBay with stuff like that. I'd prefer to have mother nature do her work! :D

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This guy have been recomended by Drak, and believe me that he doesn't recomend a lot of people, as far as I can remember he has only 2 durawoods and the guy he get the buckeye from. Also bigd ordered a lot from him, everything was in order and the wood was great! So this will be somebody I will be buying for a while!

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