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Texas Specials Or Lipstick Tubes


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Im looking into pickups for my Stratocaster that I am building, woohoo gonna be in the woodshop at school next week so im gonna start building. The layout is ready thanks too my squier which was a birthday present. Anyway I was thinking about pickups and i was going to put either Vintage noiseless Strat pickups, Texas Specials or Seymour Duncan Lipstick Tube pickups. I want the noiseless ones cause feedback is a pain in the butt but i like playing blues but also I love the sounds of the lipstick tube pickups. I dont know which to get or is there a good combo of all 3 that I could get

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You're saying you don't like feedback, I don't think those any of those pickups will do that on their own, instead the interaction between the speaker(s) and the pickup(s) will cause the string(s) to vibrate allowing sustain normally unobtainable.

Of all those I like the lipstick tubes best, but it's your guitar. The lipstick pickup is actually one 2 1/4ish " long alnico magnet with the wire wrapped around it popped in sideways. It's pretty low noise for a single coil too! I know SRV was known to have them in a strat of his and I saw Kenny Wayne Shepard doing the same thing live. Interesting sound. I've played a guitar with the Texas Specials in them and thought they a little bit muddy and had a peak that my ears found undesirable. As for the Noiseless pups, they are really low noise, like lower than a standard humbucker (it is actually a humbucker). Although they don't exactly nail the sound of a real single-coil, they sound good to me.

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I've tried Vintage Noiseless & Texas Specials in Fender guitars that were almost identicle through the same amp.

I found the Noiseless to be more "strat-like" and clearer sounding than the Texas Specials so I bought them and like the sound. Especially, when using all 3 pickups at the same time on a clean amp setting. Almost acoustic-like. I agree with Kyle that the Texas Specials sounded kinda muddy.

Not sure about the lip-stick pups. I've played them and like the tone but I haven't tried them in a "taste-test" kinda way so I can't give an accurate opinion.

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