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Tube Screamer Help

Curtis P

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2 of my friends both have Tube Screamers

one is a TS10

the other, he doesnt know, he *thinks* its a TS9

Which one of these are better?? I can get the TS9 for 25 bucks and the TS10 foir about 50 bucks

The TS9 he said he thinks that a ground is off the input jack because when you wiggle it around, it cuts in and out.


Thank you


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from what i know they both have pretty much the same circuit board so if you want to chop and change them then it wont make much difference. id go with the TS-9 but only really because its cheaper in this case. soldering stuff wont be espescially hard

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My friend with the supposed TS9 said it was all black, so I am guessing that one is it (quick search on google)

Anyone had any experiance with them??


That's a TS-9DX. It's a regular TS-9 with two extra modes added... (hence the fourth knob on the top).

Personally, I'd go for the TS-9. And unless I'm mistaken, the TS-10 was the Tone-lok (or whatever it was) version of the Screamer.

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ok, he said there was something wrong with it, so i can get a cheaper, he didnt give me a price, but he just wants to get rid of it, he is not really good at soldering stuff, but he said that the ground for the input what coming loose, so its cuts out every now and again, but that should be a quick fix

What do I have to do to mod to TS808??


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If I were you, I would try and track down an Ibanez TS 5 (the plastic 'soundtank' model). They are dirt cheap if you can find them, and easily modded to TS808 specs.

2nd hand shops have alot of them usually.


my buddy has one of them, i play with it quick alot, and i aint too fond of the sound, but if he will sell it cheap i might be interested to mod it to TS808


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I think Keeley charges $50 to mod a TS9 to 808 specs. Keeley Electronics

I don't know how good your soldering skills are but If you want to be sure it's done right, I HIGHLY recommend sending it to someone who knows what they're doing. I have one of his modded TS-9's which I love. I also have a TS-808 reissue that's getting sent to him after the holidays.

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