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Yngwie's Action


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The Attack album is great. Great production and songs....it really is one of his best albums ever so far. Baroque and Roll is so cool. Concerning the action I bet he has it that high. I read several interviews about his gear and he always stresses that he has the action very high on his guitars because he thinks it sounds better.

He plays his insane runs on bass as well, so I suspect higher action on a guitar is no problem for him.

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I guess that makes sense. I think he started playing classical/acoustic guitar, right? Maybe he feels more "at home" playing with the strings up off the neck?

I have always thought that lower action is what a speed player most desires but I guess he's in his own class.

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You're obviously right about low action, it's the starting point for a lot of shredders.


That's one of the cool things about a guitar and the person playing it, every case is completely individualistic and different, and the more seasoned the player, the more he'll know exactly the way he/she wants it set up for his/her optimum performance. Because they took the time to know themselves and how they directly relate to their guitar (and amp for that matter).

Doesn't he play all old vintage Fenders with the heavily radiused necks that buzz like nuts if you try to bend up high? I think so anyway, that's probably one contributor to why he does that.

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As I remember from the interviews his main reason for the high action is sound. It is considered a fact that a higher action gives more sustain and a fuller tone. The trade-off is playablitly. The shredders put the action low to be able to play as fast and with as less effort as possible. They don't play a low action because of the sound. As Yngwie is in my opinion still among the best if not the best player in terms of technique he can easily compensate for higher action.

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As I remember from the interviews his main reason for the high action is sound. It is considered a fact that a higher action gives more sustain and a fuller tone. The trade-off is playablitly. The shredders put the action low to be able to play as fast and with as less effort as possible. They don't play a low action because of the sound. As Yngwie is in my opinion still among the best if not the best player in terms of technique he can easily compensate for higher action.

I would agree with that, but it's not the high action that gives inherently better tone; rather, as mentioned, it eliminates fret buzz and "fretting out" as easily. Another trade-off is the risk of sacrificing accurate intonation, but in runs of notes you wouldn't notice it as much as in chorded playing.


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Oh well, he's quite the poser, ain't he ? He probably wanted guitar players to notice how the string height looked, and say " wow, I can't believe he can play so fast on a set-up like that".

In the studio, those guys usually have some guitars set really low for the fastest "shred" playing, and higher action guitars for agressive rhythm work. Satriani would have certain guitars set-up just for 2 hand tapping. this same guitar would buzz too bad if you tried to play some heavy rhythm on it.

On stage, they find a "happy medium" set-up, which could be part of the reason the live version sucks much more than a recording. I won't go into the effects of mind altering substances used during their performance (live or studio).

This is not the case with all guitar players, but I've read enough and know from my own playing experience, that it often works something like this.

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Guest AlexVDL
Doesn't he play all old vintage Fenders with the heavily radiused necks that buzz like nuts if you try to bend up high? I think so anyway, that's probably one contributor to why he does that.

Yeah, my thought also! Thats what I do with my vintage Fenders... you absolutely cannot have a low action on a 7,5 inch radiussed fretboard... absolutely impossible. Well, only if you don't bend up strings. Yngwie likes to over bend a note, so he really has to have a high action for the string not to go dead from buzz.


I prefer necks to be set deep into the body :D Notice my high action

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Oh well, he's quite the poser, ain't he ? He probably wanted guitar players to notice how the string height looked, and say " wow, I can't believe he can play so fast on a set-up like that".

Definately not true. I have several live videos and attended a show and he definately plays at least as good and clean live as on the studio tracks. He was able to pull of that speed at the age of 20 already. Do you think with 45+ he will be stopped by a higher action or that he still has to prove how fast he can play?

a little off topic, but doesn't the attack album have the song Ship of Fools on it? that is probably my favorite Yngwie song - love the solo and the main riff.

Yes it as a great song. On of my favorites on this album.

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Soap, I was going to reply but Maestro already got it .

I went to see him live a few months back, and I was about 5 feet from the stage, and his action was tall, and I'm sure it was for the reason that Alex pointed out. And he played as fast and as good as in the album, you kinda miss the backing guitars, but the leads were all there. I won't say note for note but pretty darn accurate.

I grew up listening to his music, I won't say that because of him was that I picked up a guitar, because I would have been frustrated by now, but his music has always been an inspiration, from studying to running, to weight trainning, I don't care if he has acted like a jackas, but who hasn't when they are young and famous.

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I love stronghold. Kicks butt! Does anyone know if there is any tab available for the Attack CD? Powertabs.net didn't have anything yet.

As for the talent thing - he's one of a kind. I'm not sure who has more control over the instrument - Yngwie or Vai? They both seem to use the guitar as an extension of their bodies. Thoughts become music effortlessly.

I've only seen Yngwie live once but it was pretty amazing. I get a little bored with listening to that style after a while but he's definitely got super-human talent when it comes to flying about the fretboard. If he could only stop throwing the guitar around for a little while, it would look a little less flashy. B) Does he always do that at every show? It seemed like he couldn't stop throwing that thing around his shoulder for more than 30 seconds at a time. Jeesh! :D

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I bought Attack and like some of it. I have to admit, his phrasing is not seeming to be maturing over the years...meaning it seems like most 'riffs' are the same old ones he's done before. And the double pedal tunes frankly are getting boring. I like stronghold and another that I can't remember the name of off hand that is Hendrix'ish/bluesy and Yngwie sings. That tune is the most unique thing he's done in years.

On the G3 in Denver DVD, it really appears the he screws up quite a few times and they fixed it in post production. For example a cut scene where he has just flung the guitar around his neck and on it's return, notes are being played, but he hasn't got the guitar completely in hand yet...play close attention.

Also from that DVD it surely appears the Yngwie is not a comp'er in any sense of the word, he can't stand down long enough to let others play.

Guess I have a love/hate relationship with the guy. I appreciate his skill but believe he's settled and hasn't grown in a long time. Also I sense him as being very immature and starting to look like an Elvis blimp throw back.

Now ducking from thrown objects. :D

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Wow, I read that one from 2002. I can't believe that people would actually chant "Osama" after thousands of parents, children, ... were killed by his people. I don't want to get into a political thing here but there's just no words to describe that kind of thinking. That certainly does take courage to do what he did (Yngwie playing it again).

Is Yngwie a US citizen? I always thought he came over when he was gaining popularity and only stayed in Miami occasionally?

Edited by daveq
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Does anyone have a link to the MP3 where he was taped cussing out some lady who spilled a drink on him in the airplane?

Riotous funny!

PS, I saw Yngwie long ago, maybe 87-88? at a place called Painters Mill Music Fair in Baltimore, MD.

It was a -perfect- midsummer's night.

Smallish place.

It had a rotating stage.

We was stooooned immaculate.

He wailed all night.

It was a great evening.

Back then, he was king sh*t on top of his game.

I might even have pics of that show, I used to be somewhat of an amateur concert photographer/ bootleg taper way back then.

Ahhh, the '80's... :DB)

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I don't want to get into a political thing here but there's just no words to describe that kind of thinking. That certainly does take courage to do what he did (Yngwie playing it again).

That is very true. I can understand people not wanting to hear the American national anthem due to the way the USA treated several countries since Bush became President, BUT supporting Bin Laden is exactly as wrong.

Is Yngwie a US citizen? I always thought he came over when he was gaining popularity and only stayed in Miami occasionally?

He was born in Sweden and moved to the USA at the age of 20, because he was unable to get a record deal in Sweden.

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When you say that he moved here - do you mean he went through the process of becoming a US citizen?

Hmm....that I don't know. I think at the time it was possible to be citizen of two states? Anyway, his wife and son are US citizens so it is no wonder he feels attached to America.

Other question: Did you already learn some songs of the album? Just curious....

I studied some older songs like krakatau, but Baroque & Roll would be a great exercise I think....

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When you say that he moved here - do you mean he went through the process of becoming a US citizen?

Hmm....that I don't know. I think at the time it was possible to be citizen of two states? Anyway, his wife and son are US citizens so it is no wonder he feels attached to America.

That makes him a US Citizen so he gets to pay taxes like the rest of us. :D

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I just got the CD recently and have not had a chance to try to figure any of it out yet. I have been learning/practicing the solo to "You don't remember, I'll never forget" and really enjoy playing it. I'll probably never have the speed and accuracy to match it note for note but it's still a lot of fun.

Some people (other guitarists I know) don't understand the way I practice others material so much instead of creating my own. I do try to create my own but I really like the challenge of learning something fairly difficult. I find that when I create my own stuff, I have a tendancy to do what is easy for me. Learning Malmsteen, Lynch, ... also gives me ideas in addition to forcing my fingers to be better controlled.

Anyway, that's why I was asking about the tab for Attack. There's some stuff in there that I think I could learn but I'd rather spend the time learning to control my fingers and memorize the song than decoding the CD. I guess nobody has tackled it yet though.

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