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Project Les Paul - To Seal Or Not To Seal


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I am a complete newbie to anything woodwork based etc, I am a computer programmer for god's sake :D

I have aquired 3 les paul bolt on project guitars (in dire need of some restoration and attention). These should get me started into the world of building my own etc once I learn lots of the technique and tricks etc.

I am nearly finished with sanding everything off back to the wood now, and for my first guitar I am just going to lightly stain it using a rub in wood stain (make it like the Gibson LP natural ) .

Finally, so my question is, do I need to seal the wood grain (whatever this actually means) ? or can I simply apply the wood stain and be done with it ? or do I have to clear laquer it after the woodstain aswell.

Would really appreciate it if someone with the patience could explain to me the virtues of all types of finishing so that I can understand it . Also, I am in the uk and would appreciate anyone with website links to be able to buy any of these spraycan or rub in colours, stains, lacquer etc.



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Well on most hardwoods I believe you want to use a sand and sealer before applying stain(not 100% about this so wait for someone wiser then I to answer thine questions). As for putting on a finish lacquar coat its a good idea because it adds protection to the wood, the finish, and also gives the guitar is gloss.

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Would really appreciate it if someone with the patience could explain to me the virtues of all types of finishing so that I can understand it


You've GOT to be kidding me. :D

This site is full of tutorials already spelling it out for you.

Go to the front page of PG and hit tutorials and just go from there, everything you need should be there somewhere.


Welcome! :D

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I have read through the very helpful tutorials on painting etc, they seemed to me to be more about technique and the tools to use. What I am after is a few specific questions answered, like "Do I need to seal the wood etc, what would happen if I did not ?"

I have no knowledge on anything like this, as far as I was concerned when people use wood stains on internal furniture it is never sealed, so why would I need to do it to the guitar ?

Was only looking to really introduce myself into the world of guitar repair and the board with a few specific questions.

thanks for the reply.

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Guitar Reranch has supplies, tutorials and galleries on guitar finishing.

Stewart-Macdonald & Luthier's Mercantile Int. have books, videos & finishing supplies and pretty much everything for building and finishing instruments.

Also, try a google search. There are MANY sites with useful info.

There are several members here that have provided great tutorials w/ pics of their process as well so try the search function and start researching. :DB):D

When you're ready to start be sure to test on scrap first.

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