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Burst Tutorial Question


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I am going to do a burst edge on my Teisco so I read through Brian's tutorial on spray can burst. I have one (probably stupid) question but I'll ask it anyway......I see it says hold the spray back 18" but what is the best angle to hold it at? Is 45 degrees from the top going to give me a decent burst. I see on Brian's the burst is close to the edge. I am looking for a deeper burst but I don't want to get any overspray too deep on the body as I am doing a black edge on a white body.

Would it be a better idea to cut my template a half inch to an inch smaller than my body and then spray at a 15 or 20 degree angle?

BTW I want to leave the sides white so I will be taping them off prior to spraying.


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When I tried to burst ala the tut. I used a low angle and did not cut my template back. The hardest part was keeping the angle consistant. I tried to keep the spray pointed about 1/8" in from the edge and the overspray spread about a 1 1/4" inwards. It took me two tries to get it perfect. Hope this help and good luck.

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A lot depends on how high you have set the cardboard "template" above the guitar, I used those peg-like thumbtacks, so thats about 1/2". Also, how big you made the spray template. If you want a deep burst then you can cut the template smaller than the guitar while still maintaining the general shape. Its best to experiment with a mockup before doing the real thing. A low angle will give you more paint dispersal on the inner areas while a high angle will make the burst line more defined. Like most anything it takes practice. I look at it as similar to welding which involves a LOT of discipline to maintain a steady, uniform bead. That is, keeping distance from work and tip angle constant throughout.

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If you want a broader burst, I'd advise skipping the template and going freehand. You should be safe from overspray issues, provided you always shoot from the centre of the guitar towards the edge.

I was very intimidated by the idea of spraying my sunburst, but it was actually a breeze, and I'm extremely happy with the results.

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