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Hello there I just wanted to say hi and I hope to learn some new tricks and stuff

and how not to do it and how to do it so I hope to get to know most of you and learn from you all



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  • 1 year later...

Man, the thought of Matt as a newbie is, well, scary-- but then again, most thoughts about Matt are scary.... :D

I remember my first post quite well, and the responses I got were all exceptionally helpful. I'd surfed the forum for a few days before I joined, but it was because of the great responses to my first post that I knew I'd be staying for a while.

Oh, and Drak, you know that everyone who read your post is going to delve into the archives to find your first post. I did....

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Oh, and Drak, you know that everyone who read your post is going to delve into the archives to find your first post. I did....
:D Ha....I feel like a loser now. Yep, I had to search for your first post too. And for your very first post you already sounded like an expert luthier. Unlike me and many others who joined this forum knowing nothing about guitar making. Glad there are people that put up with newbies like me and are willing to help. Thanks METAL MATT, Drak, and others.

...end of rambling. :D

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