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New Riffs

Curtis P

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(best doctor nick voice) Hi everybody!

anyways, to the point, i am constantly coming up with riffs, in my head and when i play, some are good most arent, so how about this thread being a thread where everyone can link to a riff and then we can show how to build on it.

For example, I am workin on a riff right now (its actually more then a riff, its my bands first song) but i want everyones opinion on it, i am going to attempt to record 2 guitars into it and midi drums as well! woo hoo, lol

but when i upload it I would like alot of peoples opinons on how to make it sound better, take this part out, or add this in, it aint competion for who can make the best riff, its helping, what this place is all about.


Edit: should say that the riff will be posted tommorow as i am home alone tommorow so i can spend most of the day working on it


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OK, got it recorded today, at one part I got lost so I just made the rest up as I went along, you will be able to tell the one goof up, but i didnt want to have to re-record again (the 5th time)

anyways, heres the link

Corrosion For Self

I couldnt figure out how to do MIDI drums, so they arent any in there, sorry guys


Edit, that mess up is at 1:40 just so everyone knows that from that point on i made the rest up besides skippin back and forth between the 2 riffs i had going


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Dude....first of all i dant want to diss you. I heard most of your recordings and you definately make progress in your playing. BUT as I already said as long as you don't care about the rythm in your playing it will always sound very unconvincing. That riff could sound good, but it sounds pointless and chaotic because there is no rythm in your playing.

I know it is much more fun to practicse playing faster, but rythm is maybe even more important. You can play the coolest meldodies and have the most amazing technique and it will always sound like trash compared to someone how plays tight and plays simple stuff that is rythmically correct. Practice that riff to the metronome until it is really tight and it will sound good and grab the listeners atention instead of sounding like pointless wanking on an electric guitar. Again DONT take this as an attack on your playing. I like the riff, but as long as you cannot play it "in time" it will impress nobody. I talk from experience....when I started out I could play Van Halen leads before I could play a riff really tight and that gets one nowhere....Especially if you play with others....

Edited by GuitarMaestro
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curtis...you are making fast progress as far as i can tell...

maestro is right on though....a good rythm sense is essential,but i do think it is not your rythm sense that is off,rather it is just that your mistakes are throwing you off.

i must say in your early clips i didn't think you had a sense of rythm of any kind...now i can tell that you do...keep up the practice

listen to exodus sometime...simple riffs,but played so utterly tight that you can't help but love it

maestro...watch the language please

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listen to exodus sometime...simple riffs,but played so utterly tight that you can't help but love it

Thats quite true. Their tigthness is incerdible. At least on the album. Did you hear them live? Would be interestinf if they can do that live as well....

maestro...watch the language please

Sorry....Cant remeber where I used a "bad" word? Maybe it's because english is not my native language? Lemme know....

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Dude....first of all i dant want to diss you. I heard most of your recordings and you definately make progress in your playing. BUT as I already said as long as you don't care about the rythm in your playing it will always sound very unconvincing. That riff could sound good, but it sounds pointless and chaotic because there is no rythm in your playing.

I know it is much more fun to practicse playing faster, but rythm is maybe even more important. You can play the coolest meldodies and have the most amazing technique and it will always sound like trash compared to someone how plays tight and plays simple stuff that is rythmically correct. Practice that riff to the metronome until it is really tight and it will sound good and grab the listeners atention instead of sounding like pointless wanking on an electric guitar. Again DONT take this as an attack on your playing. I like the riff, but as long as you cannot play it "in time" it will impress nobody. I talk from experience....when I started out I could play Van Halen leads before I could play a riff really tight and that gets one nowhere....Especially if you play with others....

man, i dont take that as a diss AT ALL!! in fact i really appreciate your feedback, and will constantly stride to improve my playing, but a few questions...

1) the "tightness" in my playing, how exactly do i improve that? besides using a metronome? since i dont have access to one yet

2)any other things i should work on to bring it all together?

Any other tips/criticim is very mucho appreciated


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Thats quite true. Their tigthness is incerdible. At least on the album. Did you hear them live? Would be interestinf if they can do that live as well....

never heard them live that i remember...i seem to remember seeing a recording of a piece of a live show(on mtv or something in the late 80s,early 90s?)

they were very tight if i remember right...but it could have been vio-lence,rather than exodus

Sorry....Cant remeber where I used a "bad" word? Maybe it's because english is not my native language? Lemme know....

it will always sound like trash

trash is the word i replaced the other one with

1) the "tightness" in my playing, how exactly do i improve that? besides using a metronome? since i dont have access to one yet

you have a cd plaqyer on your home stereo ,correct?play along with the cds,and turn the volume of your guitar down enough that you can plainly hear the cd...you want to blend,not overpower...

if you are blended correctly your guitar will not be clearly heard at all,but if you stop playing the song will sound less full

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1) the "tightness" in my playing, how exactly do i improve that? besides using a metronome? since i dont have access to one yet



If you dont practice in front of your PC just record a heap of it onto CD and play it on your stereo B)

Edited by Jivin
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trash is the word i replaced the other one with

Git it.... :D

1) the "tightness" in my playing, how exactly do i improve that? besides using a metronome? since i dont have access to one yet

You need a metronome. You can use every midi programm as a metronom or download one from the inet as suggested. A thing that helped me alot when I started out was to write my riffs down as midis, because then you have to decide where which note goes exactly instead of guessing. After you write down the riff as midi you can add a click track and practice until your playing is one with the midi.

Important is to ALWAYS let the foot run on the quater notes and dont do strange "in-between" movements etc. with the foot as this will destroy the precision of your rythm(Note: there are exceptions: For fast songs you have to stomp only on the first and 3rd quater note except if you are a drummer with good double-bass skill lol. For jazzy swing stuff its the norm to stomp on 2 & 4) . You just have to know where the notes of your riff fall between or on the quater notes you count with the foot. I.e.: is the next note on the foot or exactly in the middle between two foot-beats? Or a sixtenth after or before the foot beat, etc.

Another good thing is to stomp the quaters to a metronom and first play quater notes on the guitar, then the eights, then sixtenth, 32th, etc. and if you want more challenge also the triples and quintoles, etc.

As I said before I really want to help you get better not diss you....I myself had a teacher as I started who did not teach me a single thing about rythm and later on and in my time as I studied electric guitar at the German Version of GIT I really had to practice rythm stuff every day to get on the level needed at such a school which was no good thing because there is already enough challenge.....hehe

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ok, got metronome downloaded, but, how abouts do i set it properly? like BPM wise (beats per minute if someone didnt know) work with something nice and slow (like, 100 bpm?)

then gradually get up to 110, 125, etc... etc... or should i start at what feels "right" ??

Thanks for all your help guys/gals


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ok, got metronome downloaded, but, how abouts do i set it properly? like BPM wise (beats per minute if someone didnt know) work with something nice and slow (like, 100 bpm?)

then gradually get up to 110, 125, etc... etc... or should i start at what feels "right" ??

Depends on the song you want to play. There are fast and slow songs....LOL!

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Curtis Check this guy, he used to post in another forum that I used to go and he advised to use the metronome a lot... he said to practice very slow at first, then speed up a little bit at the time. Until you are at full speed.



I think he was 16 at the time of this video and it was about a year ago. I remember his name was Sean, that's about it.

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